22: Night Dreamer

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They together escorted Granny to her room. Keir tucked her into her bed while Selene stood awkwardly at the bedpost.

Keir crouched down to the old woman's level. She placed her palm on his cheek and smiled, "Come to meet this old woman more frequently?"

Keir gave her a half smile and nodded. She turned to Selene, "Take care of him."

Selene gave a soft smile and nodded. She couldn't speak, mostly she didn't know what to say. This was new to her. Last time she experienced family emotions, someone died and she was sent away to juvie for almost killing someone.

Grandma smiled, "She is a good friend, an observer at that." She commented looking at Keir.

"Indeed!" Keir gave Selene an amused smile.

Once grandma went to sleep, they went upstairs to their own rooms. No words or looks were exchanged. Each of them were busy in their own worlds. They just stared at each other near the door frames. The need to talk was evident between them, to acknowledge what they had experienced from the past sixteen hours.

"Sleep well." Was all he could say.

"Yeah. You too."

Selene tossed and turned but sleep never came. That was odd, Selene is never sleepless on nights. Not usually. Not since she met him.

She got up from the bed and walked out of her room to fetch some water from the kitchen. As she passed through Keir's half opened door, curiosity got the best of her when she heard Sasha's voice from his room.

She peeked through the door and saw them hugging and comforting each other. Mostly Keir was comforting Sasha, rubbing circles on her back to soothe her. They pulled back and Keir held her face between his hands looking deeply into her eyes and speaking incoherently.

Selene backed away before she was caught. She walked away from there before she had to endure watching them kiss next. She expected this would happen, Sasha is beautiful and Keir is not blind.

Though she admitted she was jealous, she wondered why he glanced at her in the living room but not Sasha. Maybe he felt like comforting her since she is his guest or she is just over analysing all this, she answered her own reverie.

This is what she hates about him. He makes her all riled up until she ends up being an over thinking, temperable mess.

Huffing to herself she grabbed a bottle of water and walked into the attached backyard to the house. It was beautiful with well trimmed lawn and peonies in full bloom at the boundaries. It was simple yet alluring.

Downing half of the water she sighed closing her eyes, a fictional image of Keir and Sasha kissing propped before her eyes. She huffed to herself again.

What is wrong with me?

"So you're a night dreamer, huh?" Keir said, walking to her side.

She looked at him uninterestedly, "What's that?"

"People who don't sleep at night but dream are called night dreamers."

Selene laughed drily, "Since when?"

"Since now." He grinned.

Selene for a minute got lost in his vibrant smile. She wasn't even drunk, yet her emotions were all over the place tonight. She needs to get a grip on them.

"Come." He pulled her hand, dragging her with him.


Soon they were in front of his room.

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