We're So Bored

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Sierra walks downstairs 22:58 

Gracie: We still gotta cook that deer.... 22:58 

Jo: Oh yeah 22:58 

Jo: How do your arms feel? 22:58 

Gracie had Brendan chop it, skin it, and put it in the freezer. 22:58 

Sierra rubs her eyes 22:59 

Gracie massages the sockets of her arms. "A bit sore still, but they feel okay overall." 22:59 

Gracie: Hey, Sierra. 22:59 

Sierra waves to Gracie 23:00 

Jo: You should have let me help with the deer 23:00 

Jo: Hey Sierra! 23:00 

Sierra wave to Jo 23:00 

Jo: Want some oreo extravaganza? 23:00 

Sierra nods 23:00 

Jo gets Sierra a bowl of the oreo stuff and hands it to her 23:01 

Sierra smiles at Jo and takes the bowl 23:01 

Andrea sits at the river skipping stones, still not wanting to go too close to where she knows Cameron is staying 23:02 

Sierra sits on the couch and eats a small spoonful of the oreo extravaganza 23:05 

Sierra yawns 23:13 

Gracie glances over at Jo and realizes that a good majority of the girls that live her have been having sleeping problems lately, herself included. 23:13 

Sierra rubs her eyes 23:15 

Gracie can't remember if she told Jo not to tell anyone that she's remembered or not... 23:16 

Andrea yawns and gets up 23:16 

Gracie kind of doesn't want them all to know. 23:16 

Jo jumps and wakes herself up 23:17 

Jo rubs her eyes 23:17 

Allison walks downstairs. 23:17 

Andrea shuffles through the woods to the hideout 23:17 

Gracie: Hey, Allison... Oh, are you okay, Jo? 23:18 

Jo: Yeah. Fine Dec 8 

Andrea mumbles her name into the system and it opens up for her 23:18 

Andrea goes inside and puts on some random movie 23:19 

Sierra glances at Jo and she rubs her wrist from under her sleeves 23:19 

Allison: Hey Gracie. 23:20 

Jo pulls the note out and holds it in her hand 23:20 

Gracie puts her hand over her stomach, a little hungry, but not that much. 23:20 

Gracie: I'm so bored... Can we please have another masquerade sometime soon? 23:21 

Jo: Another masquerade? 23:21 

Sierra yawns and rubs her eyes 23:22 

Gracie goes over to the recliner and flops down in it instead because she can lie back in it and it's more comfy than the couch. "Yes. With fireworks this time." 23:22 

Andrea lays on the couch under a blanket 23:22 

Jo: If you make a list of the stuff you need me to make I can do that 23:22 

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