Zoe Loves Sharryl

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Allison feels awkward for not noticing the house at the waterfall... 21:47 

Spade nods. 21:47 

Spade wonders where Gracie is. 21:47 

Andrea walks in through the back door 21:48 

Gracie is on the back porch, curled into a ball and drinking tea with a biscuit. 21:48 

Spade: (Just had a Gracie and Chase hovercraft ride flashback) 21:48 

Andrea: Hey Gracie 21:48 

Lilly heads back to the mansion 21:48 

Gracie: (lamo. That was so much fun.) 21:48 

Andrea: Think Talia will be mad that I finished her oreos? 21:48 

Gracie waves and then her eyes widen. "Guess what?!" 21:48 

Allison pokes her head inside. "fancy..." 21:48 

Andrea: What? 21:49 

Gracie: Uh, yeah, she might, but back to my point... 21:49 

Gracie: I saw Derrick yesterday! 21:49 

Allison walks inside slowly. 21:49 

Andrea: So? 21:49 

Lilly slips into the kitchen and puts the food back 21:49 

Gracie grins. "He seems a lot better." 21:49 

Talia sees some girl "Hey have you seen any oreos around????" 21:49 

Allison suddenly feels awkward... 21:50 

Andrea: He never looked bad when I saw him in the first place. 21:50 

Allison: Umm. Andrea had a pack... 21:50 

Lilly jumps and morphs into a tiger 21:50 

Talia shrieks and backs up 21:51 

Spade looks at the tiger and waves with his little paw. 21:51 

Lilly face paws 21:51 

Gracie rolls her eyes. "Again, he's never bad around you. Just around everyone else." 21:52 

Andrea sighs "Holy shit you morph?? God you scared the crap out of me" 21:52 

Spade purrs. 21:52 

Talia sighs "Holy shit you morph?? God you scared the crap out of me" 21:52 

Allison looks around... 21:52 

Andrea: So what was the point of you telling me this? 21:52 

Lilly demorphs 21:52 

Lilly: Sorry about that Nov 26 

Lilly finishes putting the food back 21:53 

Spade walks to the girl and rubs against her purring. 21:53 

Gracie shrugs. "Well, we talked about him awhile ago. Just thought you might want to know he's doing a little better. I don't think he's completely better, but he seems to be getting there." 21:53 

Talia: It's okay... You just caught me off guard... um.. so those oreos... seen 'em? 21:53 

Gracie drinks a little of her warm tea. 21:53 

Lilly: Oreos? 21:53 

Lilly: Umm.... 21:53 

Allison: Andrea? umm.... 21:54 

Andrea: Oh well that's good I guess.. 21:54 

Andrea looks at Allison "Yeah?" 21:54 

Andrea: Oh, Gracie by the way this is Allison 21:55 

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