chapter 20

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Rosalia's pov

"Hmmm" i Could feel something on my face and neck and it was causing my sleep to slip away


"Hmmmm let me sleep" I spat out angrily at the voice turning to face away from the voice

"Rosa wake up we have things to do"

"I swear if you don't leave me alone I will hunt you"  sitting up on the bed I yell in his face and almost immediately he kisses me

"What the actual fuck Bruce, first disrupt my sleep now you are kissing me with my morning breath"

"Someone isn't a morning person I can see" he had the audacity to chuckle

"Whatever, don't ever interrupt my sleep again" I say before heading to the bathroom

I quickly brush my teeth and take a shower, then change into denim shirt and  a white polo shirt before heading towards the kitchen.

"Morning Rosa" Avery says on full mouth once I walk in

"Morning baby, and don't talk with your mouth full" i place a kiss on her  before taking my seat beside her

"Waffles or pancakes"  Bruce asks

"None I want toast"

"Ohh alright lemme j..."

"No need I can do it for myself continue with what you are doing"

"Rosa I'm sorry it won't happen again" he says holding my wrist

"It okay , but I'll still make the toast myself"  I say before unwrapping his fingers from my wrist

"What are we doing today"

"May and Drew are going out with Avery today, while we are going to visit your brother"

"Ohh alright where is my dad"

"With Drew and May in the lounge, they already had breakfast" he explains while plating his food

"Can we do a movie night together Rosa"  Avery says after a few minutes of silence

"Sure baby I would love that"

"Avery love, if you are let's leave so we don't miss out on anything" May says walking into the kitchen

"Yes let's go I'm done" she kisses both her dad and I on the cheek before leaving

"I'll wait in the lounge with my dad" I say and before he  could respond I was gone

"Morning papa"

"My Rosa, morning dear how did you sleep" he says kissing my forehead

"Good papa just a bit jetlagged"

"Same here, it's harder now I'm older" I chuckle at his words

"You still have a lot of energy papa, you are bearly aging"

"I know dear, your old man isn't going anywhere anytime soon" papa says before hugging me

"I'm done we can go now" Bruce says walking into the lounge

"Alright let's get this over with" I mumble as we all walk out and into the car awaiting us

The drive was about 15 minute because there was hardly any traffic,  and an extra 3 minutes to get to his apartment

*Doorbell rings*

"Hi can I help y....ohhh father in-law and Rosalia"  Katie says shocked

"Hi Katie dear nice to see you" father says

"Likewise please do come in" she steps aside and all three of us walk in

"Baby who is at the do.... Dad? Rosa?" He says equally looking shocked

"Hi son"

"Ryan" I say in a monotone

"I didn't know you were coming I would have received you guys" 

"We would have told you but after the last time we met we weren't sure about your attendance" I almost spat out angrily

"About that, I have my explanation please seat lemme explain" nodding I sat on the couch with papa and Bruce beside me on both sides whilist Ryan and Katie sat in front of us

"I'll get straight to the point okay, about 6 months ago just before you found out about cancer I was called by a strange number demanding certain amount of money for no reason, so I went in partnership with the Spanish police to help track these people down, so when dad called I decided to go although it was risky after arriving in the states I received scary photos of you, dad, Katie and our daughter with a message written  that I should give them the money or else one of you will die"

He pauses giving us time to take in the information before continuing

"So Katie and I decided to come back so we could finish off the investigation, I found out they were shady people from the underground wrestling I was doing for almost 10 years without any of your knowledge. I know Rosa you think I don't care about you that isn't true, I just never showed my weakness due to the amount of enemies I have accumulated and you were my weakness I always came to watch sleep just just to make sure you were alright"

"You really did" I say shocked

"Yes I did more than once mum found me in your room, I love you baby sis it almost killed me when u found out you had cancer the same thing that took our mom away when we were forced to return I could eat for weeks because of how down I was" he says with watery eyes

"He is telling the truth, we even have meds prescribed for his eating, sleep and mental health. After we caught the people he didn't have the heart to can you guys he was scared of the reaction you would have" Katie further explained

"Ryan, I was scared I thought I did someone wrong I'm sorry for all the rude things I said now I understand you  were protecting your family" I say busting out in tears

"No sis don't cry, I should have been nice just remember you are extremely important to me you, mama Katie and Bianca are the most important females in my life I would move mountains for any of you" he confesses hugging me as I cried into his shoulder

"I'm glad this has been cleared up, I was getting worried that my kids would not be in communication for life" papa says joining in our hug

"I love you both so much never forget that also no matter what happens stick together"

"Yes Papa" both of us respond, chuckling papa kisses both our foreheads as Ryan wipes my tears away

"Tía Rosa!!Abuelo John(Aunty Rosa, grandpa John) what are you doing here, papa never mentioned you coming, how long will you stay, Rosa I want to show you so many things, I missed you so much" she says hugging our legs with her tiny arms

"Wow slow down tiger, I'm on vacation so we have enough time together, we decided to surprise you guys that's why your papa didn't know"

"Ohhh wow, that's nice of you"

"My favorite grandchild" papa says picking her up and setting her on his lap

"I'm your only grandchild Abuelo" she shoots back causing us to chuckle

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘 also plz check my other stories My freedom My desire and Could She Be Mrs Alfredo 😁🙏. Guys plz pray for Africa 😔so much is happening so much lives are being lost 😔💔

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