chapter 8

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Rosalia's pov

"Dear I'm sorry for letting you down I didn't mean to abandon you please wake up My Rosa" I heard my dad's voice say but I also heard the sadness in it

"Rosalia dear please even if not for me do it for your mom I don't think she wants you with her this soon" he sins beside me, causing me to take hold of what I assume is his hand

"Papa" that simple words causes pain in my throat

"My Rosa you are awake" joy and happiness flashed through his eyes

"W...water papa" I try saying and immediately he grabs the water beside him guiding the straw towards my mom for me to sip, once I was satisfied he placed the water down

"How long was I out"

"Almost two weeks dear" he says sadly

"Two weeks really" he nods in response before reaching to press the red button next to my bed

"Papa I'm sorry about the thing I said, I was just hurt I really didn't mean it papa you have always been good to me you didn't deserve those words" I say as tears ran down my face

"Ohhh my Rosa don't cry I know you didn't mean anything you said, I'm equally sorry for leaving you without reaching out dear" he responds wiping my face to remove the tears

"Already crying are we now" an elderly man in a white medical coat says behind my dad

"Rosa dear this is doctor Martin, he was the one looking after you since you came in"

"Good to see you are awake Rosalia, do you have any pains" he asks while walking up to me to check my chats

"Just a migraine and a side back" I reply

"That can be fixed with meds dear"  be say while checking my eyes with a small flash light

"Have you told her yet" the doctor looks over to my father who has suddenly tensed up

"Tell me what"

"I really don't like being the bearer of bad new but unfortunately my jobs comes with some disadvantages, Miss Ramonds you have breast cancer but in it's early stages"

"Papa is this true, don't tell me what happened to mum will happen to me" scared of his answer I start crying

"Rosa dear, look on the bright side this was discovered on time unlike your mom's so we can fight this together" he says hugging me tight while I cried

"Papa how can we be so unfortunate"

"Dear only God can answer that question but I'm not losing you, please dear fight this so I need you alive I'd something is to happens to you I'll won't live with myself" he held me while we both cried

"So Miss Ramonds we need to start your treatment and schedule your chemo sessions as soon as possible" doctor Martin says the only answer I had for him was a nod because I didn't trust myself to speak

Bruce's pov

*Knock on the door"

"Come in"

"Sir I was just informed that Miss Ramonds has awoken"

"Thanks Lewis, is there anyone with her"

"Yes her father is there, Mrs Brown is still busy at the creche"

"Alright then" he sends me a stiff nod before leaving my study

Later on that day

"Miss Ramonds" say stepping into her private room

"Mr Johnson what are you doing here" she quickly says looking annoyed

"Ehmm Rosa dear he is taking care of your treatment and he driver was the one who bumped into you" her father explains

"He is taking care of my treatment why, I am more than capable of funding myself" she says angrily

"I know you are but I'm not changing my mind, I already discussed this with your father I told him to focus on helping you recover"

"Papa why though" she whines

"Dear let's leave it to him, you have a tough journey ahead let's focus on getting you cured ohk"

"I understand Papa" she says squeezing her father's hand "but as for you once all this is done I'm going to pay you back every cent"

"I won't expect anything less from you"  I say with a smirk on my face

"How is Avery doing" she says before I could twist the door nob

"As of when you got into the accident she was a mess always crying that she wants to see you, but now she is more calm though still very disturbed" I saw sadness fall on her face as I spoke

"Can you please bring her her I'd like to see her"

"Of course, she will come by after school with Malic" I say she just nods before lying back down in her bed, I took that as my que to leave.

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘.

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