chapter 2

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Rosalia's pov

It's been a week since my papa talked to me about moving, I have concluded that I can't live her alone this house is too big and has to many painful memories.

My parents had actually hired a real estate agent to put the house on sale so luckily for you we have a buyer and by tomorrow the house would be theirs. I was currently going through every room in the house to make sure nothing of importance is left behind, once I was satisfied I gently closed the main door behind me leaving the key under the door mat as instructed I walk away from my childhood home and memories, hoping the family that buys the house also find peace, love, joy and most importantly happiness in it as my family and I did although for a short while.

1 year later

"Taxi, taxi"  I say and almost immediately one stops in front of me

"Oragic market please" I say and the driver just nods signaling fore to get in

While he manuvers the traffic, I sing along to shallow that was playing on the radio.

"Fuck you!" The cab driver he speeds past by calls out making me cringe,I was low tolerance when it came to cursing.

Few minutes later I have reached my destination, paying the cab driver I step out and into the busy sidewalk immediately being swallowed by pedestrians moving in different directions. Eventually I reach the market and start buy what I needed. After almost an hour of shopping I was left with one missing item

"Hi May, I can't find hummus, bit they have brussel sprouts is it ohk if I get them instead"

"Ohh great, I'll be back soon almost done here" after exchanging goodbyes I purchase the brussel sprouts before leaving.

After buying everything necessary from the market I hauled a cab with took me back to my destination.

"May!! Come help me with the bags"


"Wow that's a lot of shopping, didn't know that there was so much to buy"

"I know right but at least we have all we need" I say as I start  putting things in place where they should be "where are the kids" I ask suddenly noticing how quite everywhere was

"All taking their naps" she says smiling, that was when I glanced at the time and only realized that their parents would be coming in 3hours to pick them

"Have you started with their lunch"

"I am actually finished I was just waiting for the fruit salad ingredients" feeling relieved I decided to let May finish putting everything away while I made the salad, before the kids awoke


"Avery finish your lunch or no dessert for you" I call out to the last little girl on the table. Avery is a special case, she hardly eats or plays she is always quite maybe it's because she is new but something doesn't add up I have never seen any of the her parents who I can discuss with the only person that comes for her is a 17 year old boy the claims to be her nanny.

"I'm done Miss" she say tugging my dress to get my attention, reaching for her plate I place it in the sink before pick her up so she can sit on the counter facing me

"Avery, remember when you told me that you can tell me whatever you feel" she nods her head in response

"So is there any problem, you have been awfully quiet dear"

"Nothing is wrong miss I'm totally fine" she says in an impeccable British accent

"Are you sure dear" I asked a bit worried

"Yes miss thank you for asking" she says, I'm left wondering what happened for a 5 year old girl to grow up so fast, you can literally see that he eyes held no sign of glimmer which most kids her age have.

"You welcome dear please call me Rosalia, as I have stated many times"

"I'm sorry miss but father always said call elders with respect" she said making me frown

"Dear your father is right but, I will feel more at ease if you call me Rosalia" she nods with a distance look in her eyes

"Would you like your dessert now" I ask

"Yes please" quickly I walk to the fridge pulling out a little bowl with fruit salad in it, handing it to her after placing her feet back on solid ground

"Thanks Mi....mee'm Rosalia" she say before walking to the window seat she occupies daily.

"Something is wrong, I wish I could talk to one of her parents this is really worrying" I mumble

"Hopefully they turn up soon" May says beside me causing me to flinch a bit not expecting her so close

"May!!" She say pinching her upper arm

"Ouch Lia, I'm sorry ohk" she say annoyingly rubbing the spot I pinched her

Thanks for reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏.

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