chapter 14

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Rosalia's pov

Today is my discharge day and I am beyond excited it's been almost half a year in this hospital I just can't wait to see the outside world I chuckle at my thoughts

"A penny for your thoughts" Bruce says while packing up some of belongings

"Nothing much just excited to step back into the outside" I say smiling at him

"Me too, I'm happy for you" he says hugging me before placing a kiss on my forehead thankfully my face was buried in his chest so he couldn't see my blush

"Daddy!!Rosa!!" Avery calls out stepping into my room

"Hi baby" I say as she runs into my arms

"Wow I'm your father you know" Bruce says forging annoyance

"I know I also love you too" Avery reply wrapping her tiny arms around his neck drawing him close to us both we stay in that position for awhile

"Don't y'all look cozy" papa says as he walks in, quickly dropping Avery down I hug him

"Papa I missed you how are you doing"

"Missed you too dear I'm doing well I was busy looking for a job so I can stay here for a while to help you out, I would love to spend time with you outside the hospital" he says caressing my cheeks

"You don't have to papa I can work I just need you to be with me ohk"

"No dear I want you to rest I'm sure I'll get something soon"

"But pa"

"What are your qualifications John" Bruce interupts me to say

"I have a bachelor degree in business administration and economics why" papa responds confused

"Ohh perfect I need someone to stand in temporaryly so if you don't mind you can stop by my office trust me the pay is good"

"No way son you have done enough for us already, I don't want to be a burden in you"

"Plz John I insist by the way I was looking for someone to fill in the position so let's just call it right place right time yes"

"Thank you so much son" papa says catching Bruce of guard when he hugs him, I laugh quitely at the sight in front of my while Avery claps excitedly wrapping her arms around both men's legs

30 minutes later I'm walking out holding Avery's hands while papa and Bruce are behind us

"I'm so happy Rosa now we can have play dates" she says skipping beside

"I surly can't wait too" smiling I walk towards the car smiling cause I'm basically free now

Bruce's pov

"I was looking and I have picked 5 creches so when you are ready we can review them together" I says looking at Rosa

"Ohh great, I'm so excited for this" she says smiling widely

"Honestly now I'm more involved in her life I'm a bit scared of her going off to a new environment"

"Hey now at some point she will have to grow up and these are the steps you will so its normal for you to feel scared but you must also understand that she needs to break free sure it won't be easy but hey it's part of life"  she rubs my arm as she speaks

"I'm lucky I have you, I'm also lucky she has you you don't know but you have changed our lives forever and I'll always be grateful"

"Ohh please I did nothing" she says but I wasn't concentrating because my eyes were on her lips it was mesmerizing how they were shaped and moved

"Bruce" she says in a husky low voice

"Rosalia" I respond in the same manner tilting my head to reach hers but stop when we are just inches apart, waiting for her to back away or close the space between us . My eyes flicker up to hers and she was looking at me I could see so many emotions speeding by her eyes, I doubted that she would do it but I was shocked when her lips connects with mine.

Like it about time 😅 thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏 also please check my other stories My freedom My desire and Roses are Red? I would really appreciate it 🤗🥺

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