chapter 3

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Rosalia's pov

A week later

"I wonder where Avery is, she is never late" I say looking out of my office which faced the door. Suddenly it opened to reveal the one person I have been waiting for

"Good morning mee'm Rosalia" she weakly

"Morning dear, where is Tom and why are you late"

"He didn't come to fetch me, so I had to walk here on my own, I'm sorry I'm late" she says almost looking scared

"What you walked here, but your house is far and it's dangerous, what about your parents dear" I asked starting to get pissed

"Avery, talk to me dear I'm here for you"  but she stayed silent only looking at her shoes

"It's ohk dear come let's go to class" I grabbed her hand quickly noticing how hot he was, looking closely I saw that she was now shivering. Just great she has a fever what kind of family does she belong too, sighing I carried her in my arm walking into my office.

"May please call up Drew, I think Avery has a fever" Drew is May's husband they have been together for almost 10 years and after I moved to San Francisco we connected and became good friends then started a creche which we are both passionate about, Drew is the doctor who looks after all the kids in emergencies.


"Did she really come on her own" May asks for the 3rd time

"Yes May, I find this very hard to believe" I say stroking the sleeping girls head

"Hmmmm something doesn't add up" she mumbles

"It sure doesn't" mindlessly I rub her small chicks.

Avery has been asleep for 3 hours straight, not surprised because Drew hinted this would happen

"Avery dear" I say gently rubbing her chicks to wake her up, eventually she did and I was greeted with beautiful amber honey eyes

"Dear it's time to eat" I say and she just nods walking into the mini dinning room we set up for them.

I watch as she slowly eats her food as if she was finding it hard to swallow her food.

"I'm done mee'm Rosalia" she says but I eye her food because she hardly ate half of her Mac n cheese

"Are you sure dear" I ask and she nods

"Ohkkk do you want dessert" she shakes her head saying no

"Do you want juice or anything else" I ask desperately trying to make her speak, but she stills shakes her head saying no before walking to her usual window seat.

The day went by with me worrying about Avery, at by now I was full blown pissed why you ask because it is 3 hours passed pick up time and neither Avery's so called nanny or her parents have come to get her.

"What do we do now" May says looking at the little girl

"You go home, I'll take her home" I say gathering my belongings ready to leave.

"Feel me in ohk, please don't forget" she says hugging me, stroking Avery's chick before walking out my office.

"Avery dear come let me take you home" I grab her little hand before locking up and heading for my car, unfortunately I don't have a car seat so I had to compromise but using seat belts to hold her still, after I was assured of her safety I climb into the drivers seat quickly inputting her address I start driving away.

45 minutes later I am patiently waiting for the guards to let me in, thankfully he finally does once I reached the door I step out of my car then grab a sleeping Avery in my hands before walking towards the door. I noticed that the door was slightly apart so I decided to walk in.


Bruce's pov

"Hello, is anyone home" I hear a voice say over the laughter of my friends, wondering if I was just hearing things I ignored the voice

"Hello, is anyone home!!!" The voice says again

"Hey can you hear someone calling out" Andrew says beside me, causing me to frown because I also heard the voice the first time, before I could reply to him a strange a lady walks in carrying a little girl in her arms that looks like Avery.

"Hi there, are you related to Avery Johnson" she asks

"Yes she is my daughter, and who may you be" I ask frowning

"Who am I, seriously who am I" she flares up quickly

"I believe I didn't have water in my mouth when I spoke" I spoke quickly becoming frustrated

"Well just so you know I am one of your daughters teachers from creche" she spat out silently not wanting to wake Avery up

"So how is that an issue" I ask raising an eyebrow, this made her loose it but she walked passed me bending down to place Avery on a large couch, once she bends I say my friends take a deep breath trying now to groan

"Just so you know Mr, Avery walked to school on her own today ALONE, she came in with a fever didn't have any food in her body, that so called nanny you hired for her leaves her alone and she doesn't have any company, when she is at school she doesn't even know how to play with kids her age, I have been asking about her parents and the only answer I get is a child that looks like she has seen a ghost, so tell me Mr Johnson how is this not an ISSUE" she whisper yells while poking me the whole time

"Are you done now"

"How dare you, what kind of a parent are you, can't you see your child needs you or are you going to say she isn't your cause I won't be surprised" she spat out

" How dare you come into my house and tell me how to raise my child" I yell catching her by surprise

"Stop yelling please stop yelling" a small voice begs , quickly the woman walk up to Avery wiping her tears

"I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's ohk mee'm Rosalia,I am used to this" she says with a blank look on her face

" Rose or whatever your name is get out of my house before I call security" I say in a low voice

"My name is Rosalia bastard" she turn to look at me speaking in an accent

"Goodbye dear, I'll see you tomorrow" she kisses Avery head before bumping me as walks away

"Damn she is a fire cracker" Andrew says beside me

"Shut up" I spat out

"Avery go clean up dinner will soon be ready" I say walking away and into my study.

Hmmmm poor Avery 😞. Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏.

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