chapter 19

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Rosalia's pov

"Why am I not surprised that you have a house in Spain" rolling my eyes I walk into the mansion with Avery in my arms

"Well I got this house before Avery was born, but that story is for another day come let me show you your rooms" he says and we all follow him.

Of course May and Drew are in one room which is down the hall on the second floor, dad's room is opposite their, Avery's room is next door to mine while Bruce's is directly opposite mine, I decided on having separate rooms and as expected Bruce's didn't want it.

"Do we really have to stay in separate rooms"

"Yes we do, behave Bruce my dad is around" shushing him away so I could fix my clothes and toiletries

"Behave, well that word is forgein to me and how can I when you are looking like a meal ready to fill me up" he says hugging me from behind

"A meal me, I'm just wearing jeans and a cardigan"

"Exactly it's effortless, effortless sexy and beauty"

"Wow Bruce just wow" I say chuckling at his words

He is still hugging me from behind untill I finished packing the necessary things.

"Let go Bruce I wanna lie down"

"So!! we can lie down together" he says pulling into his arms as we crash on the bed before getting comfortable.

"Hey you Know we have never talked about your parents or your family, the only family of yours I know is Andrew and Avery" curiosity causes me to ask

"Can we talk about something else when I want I'll tell" he says with a distant almost pissed look

"Hmm what can we do around here" quickly I change the topic to lighten the mood

"Ohh I have a lot of places I want to take you too but for now I need to sleep" a yawn escapes his lips as his eyes get heavy with sleep, in a matter of minutes he was asleep.

I watch his sleeping face, he is honestly a gorgeous man hands down with a beautiful well sculptured face, long black lashes that puts any womans to shame, then there is his straight pointy nose and of course my favorite feature on his face is his plum pink kissable lips.

All in all he is a stunner of a man and I am proud to say he is mine, although he is richly blessed in the physical department he is also a kind hearted, generous and loving person, I didn't know I was looking for such a person in my life until I actually found him hence to repeat my statement earlier I'm proud that he is mine.

Bruce's pov

I have been awake for quite awhile now, I am in no hurry to leave my current position hell who would when they had they chance to admire such a woman, Rosa doesn't know it but one of the reasons I got attracted to her was because of her name everytime I hear it I just get excited.

She doesn't realize it but she is sex walking in two legs everything about her is just so sexy from the way she laughs to her intelligence, the way she walks even her growing hair is sexy. I see the attention she gets from the male population although I'm not exstatic about it I'm still very proud she is mine.

"Hey how long have you been up" she says rubbing the sleep out of her eyes

"Not long"

"Lies, you were busy watching me sleep Bruce that's creepy" she hits my arm slightly.

"I call it admiring my girlfriend" bending down I kiss her nose

"I guess we ended up sleeping in the same bed hey"

"I guess so" I say before we both chuckle

"I'm starving, what's the time"

"Almost 3am, come let's go make something to eat" hand in hand we walk downstairs heading to the kitchen

"What would you like to eat though" I ask while looking through the contents in the fridge

"Is there sliced cheese"


"What about banana"


"Wait what banana and cheese that's weird" looking at her with a raised brow I place the items on the island

"I know but I love cheese and banana sandwich, I'm not sure why but I just love it" she explains as she assembles the sandwich

"Hmmm, My goodness now this is living" she mumbles as she stuffs her face

"Slow down babe you will choke" concerned I pull out the jug with orange juice in it to pour out for her just in case

"Bruce try this I promise you would like it"

"No way, I would not love to not hate any of those ingredients"

"Just one bite" she says push the sandwich to my open forcing it open for a bit, with squeezed eyes I chew slowly
Forcing the food down my throat


"I prefer them apart" I say honestly

"Really"...."well we have different tastes buds so yeah" she explains before finishing off her sandwich and drinking the juice

"My my that was very satisfying" she rubs her stomach for emphasis causing me to chuckle, we make small talk while I also eat my sandwich.

"I'm not feeling sleepy let's do something fun"

"Well I really don't have the energy for anything active how about we go to the jarccuzi" nodding to my idea we both make way back to my room.

"Go ahead lemme change into something jarccuzi fit"

"Alright it's the second the door once you get into the bathroom, don't be long" I head into my room to strip down to just my boxers before proceeding to the jarccuzi. Few minutes later Rosa comes in with a white robe around her goddess like figure

"Close your eyes" knowing she won't want to argue I do as told

"Open up" I heard her say once she was relaxes in the water

"What the hell Rosa, why are you so far away" I asked annoyed and she just shrugs and closes her eyes, I took the chance to reach across and pull her to my chest

"That's much better" smiling at her shocked face I relax more into the semi hot water

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘 also plz check my other stories My freedom My desire and Could She Be Mrs Alfredo 😁🙏😘.

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