chapter 10

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Bruce's pov

I watched helplessly when the doctor and nurses dove in and out of her room, I still haven't found the problem so the only thing I can do is sit still till they were done and insured that she was not in danger anymore.

"Bruce what's her situation now" Mr Ramonds asks rushing to my side

"I haven't gotten any news since I called you so I'm just waiting for the doctor"

"My goodness, I hope my Rosa is alright, I just can't do this alone Ryan doesn't even care about his own sis I have no one" the old man slumps into the chair next to me

"Don't say that sir, you have me, May, Drew and even Avery we all love her so we are in this together ohk Ryan will eventually come to his senses" I say patting the man's shoulder

"Why though"

"I don't get Sir" I asked confused

"Why are you doing this for her and us you can just pay the bills and continue with your life but you have decided to walk this painful journey with us" he asks looking at me intensly causing me to shift uncomfortably

"I really can't tell you why Sir but I just know that I want to be here" I say looking at Rosalia's room door. Seconds after our conversation doctor Charles walks out of her room

"What is her situation now doc"

"She only fainted out of dehydration from all the vomiting and hunger so I decided to add multivitamin and fluids in her IV" he explained

"So apart from that nothing else is the problem" I ask just to make sure

"Nothing else, for now let's just watch her hopefully by tomorrow she will regain her energy to move around" with that he left us stearing at her

"Son you should go take rest I'll be with her" with a nod and one last glanced I walk away ready to take a bath and sleep off.


Rosalia's pov

"Why don't we use yellow hmm"

"But what will we color her shoes" Avery says frowning

"Ohk let's color her dress yellow, her shoes brown then the flowers we can just go with the flow" I say

"I like that, alright" Avery squeals while clapping before resuming her coloring

"I'm glad you decided to step out of your room even for a bit Lia" May says while squeezing my hand

"Well that's because I have more energy than before the meds are actually working now"  honestly speaking I was starting to give up but suddenly I'm feeling much better

"Daddy" Avery screams  running  into her dad's arms

"Ohhh baby daddy is a bit tired" he says before placing her down

"Ohh sorry daddy"

"No problem baby now what are you doing out here"

"We decided to take Lia for a stroll"

"I see" he says before walking towards me

"Don't you look good today"

"Well I feel good" I respond looking at him through my lashes

"I'm glad" he says then briefly kisses my forehead

"Hi there May"

"Hi Mr Johnson" she says before giving me a side looking smirking causing me to roll my eyes

"Have you guys eaten"

"Lia hasn't but we have" Avery quickly replies

"Ohh why don't we get you some food then"

"No need I'm alright"  I try to protest key word try but before I know it I'm being led to the hospital Cafe

"What would you like to eat" Bruce asks while frowning at the display case

"I really don't want anything seriously"

"Alright can we have the chicken and Mayo sandwich with the coslaw and"

"What would you prefer to drink" he turns to me expecting an answer

"Just water thanks" I reply

"With 1 bottle of water and 1 energy drink thanks" he said before handing the cashier a 100 note bill telling him to keep the change

"Hey let's wait over there while the food is being prepared" nodding my  we walk side by side to the nearest table

"You really didn't have to do this you know, because you have already done enough I can never repay this back"

"Hey it's alright  I want to do this do I don't mind" he says smiling

"You don't mind but even my brother doesn't care about me poor papa I can't imagine how he is surviving" a tear runs down my face thinking of his face every time he comes to visit

"Your father is strong and as for your brother he will definitely come around, just focus on getting better ohk"

"Thanks Bruce" I say earning a smile from him

"Ohh also I never apologized about my behavior when you dropped Avery off that day, I admit I was neglecting my child and if not for you I wouldn't have noticed it before it was too late"

"I also apologise for over stepping my boundaries, let's just say water in the bus now ohk we are passed that now" I smile softly at him while he does the same, the next few minutes we sat in silence.

"I'll go check on our food ohk" with a smile on my face I watch him walk away, I'm more than grateful that he has been her for me. After collecting the food we walk back to our table only to see that May and Avery were strolling through the garden so Bruce and I decided to eat our food making small talks.

At least Lia is feeling much better hey 🤗 thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘.

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