chapter 9

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Rosalia's pov

I started chemo 3 months ago all I can say is this is hell, the side effects is taking a toll on me I have absolutely no energy and i can hardly eat. The doctor decided to start with chemo because the cancer has progressed to stage two.

Papa cried when the doctor informed us, that was 3 months ago since then I haven't spoken a complete sentence with anyone, I can feel myself slipping away yet I just couldn't speak up.

"Mee'm Rosalia!!!!" A small voice call out my name pulling me put of my thoughts

"Avery let's leave her to rest ohk" Bruce says about to take Avery away but she protests

"No daddy, if I leave something will happen to her" Avery came running to my bed wanting to climb on it, but as her father was about to pick her up I decide to stop him signalling that it was alright.

"Are you sure, you just finished chemo I don't want her disturbing you"

"I..... I'm alright...she... she can stay" I managed to say due to the pain I was in

"Alright then let me get something for her to eat" he says before leaving my room.

"I don't want you to die Lia" she cries into my neck not knowing what to do I rub her back with all the strength I had to be honest it wasn't much, after awhile her sobbing stops and I notice she has fallen asleep closing my eyes I decide I could also use some shut eye.


"Any improvement doctor" I hear my papa say to the doctor though I kept my eyes closed so they thought I was still asleep

"I can't say for now, she really isn't responding to chemo, if her next session doesn't go well we will suggest surgery"

"When will her next session be" Bruce says

"Let's make it in 2 weeks time, but as for now she still has to be taking her meds and by all means make her smile, talk or laugh because what she has been doing isn't safe at all for her health and mental state" the doctor says then silence followed.

Bruce's pov

Rosalia wasn't getting any better I even flew in the best doctors yet still no improvement, I am lost I have no idea what to do.

Most of you are wondering why I care well to be honest I have no idea for the past 3 months I have just grown closed to her especially when I visit with Avery I can see how she handles Avery even though she doesn't speak or is in pain she still manges to accommodate Avery.

Avery herself hasn't been herself since Rosalia's accident I can see how attached she has been to Rosalia, I won't want a situation where when Avery is finally comfortable with someone they are snatched away so I have decided to do what I can to ensure that Rosalia gets better. Honestly I am slowly losing faith and the bills are expensive though I don't mind I just want the money I'm paying work somehow in getting her cured.


"Bruce" I look away from the window and at the person calling me

"Yes Ramonds" I say walking towards her

"V.....vomit" she could hardly speak but immediately I understand her, quickly I carry her from the bed and to the bathroom, gently dropping inside the bath before setting a bucket before her thighs so she could releave herself.

The sounds she was making caused my chest to tighten, I could tell she was in pain and unfortunately I couldn't do anything to help her out, I just held her hair back  while my other hand rubbed her back as she vomits.

"It h.......hurts, please make it stop I......I don't want to continue the treatment" she cries out

"No no you can get through this, think of Avery she needs you, the doctors are doing their very best to cure you"

"I can't I just....... can't" she says before fainting, quickly I move the bucket and carry her back to her room, after placing her down I press the red button to call any nurse available.

"She just fainted after vomiting" I say

"Please take the child away and exit the room the doctor is on his way" she says hurrying to check up on Rosalia.

Hmmm seems like someone has caught felling, well thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘.

Roses are RED?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora