chapter 7

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Bruce's pov

"Lewis any update"

"Yes sir we have found her father, he is just few blocks away from the hospital, and as for her brother he is actually in Spain living with is wife and baby girl"

"Alright let's inform her father first" I say walking out of my study, since Lewis knows the location we left in one car  30 minutes later we arrived at an old up beat but yet stable apartment building.

I followed Lewis lead until we arrived at a door with 506 written on it

*Knock on the door*

"How can I help you" an elderly man says when the door swang open and without a doubt I knew he was Rosalia's father

"We are looking for Mr Ramonds"

"This is he" he says frowning

"Do you mind if we come in we have very important news to convey" I say

"Yes, please come in" he moves to the side for us to step in" would you like anything" he asks once we settled into the couches

"No thanks" I say

"So what is so important" she ask with concern laced in his voice

"Sir I happen to know your daughter Rosalia Ramonds she walk in the creche my daughter goes to and and as of yesterday after your falling out she got into an accident although she had to undergo surgery it was successful but the doctor discovered she has breast cancer although it is in it's early stages, he requested for an immediate family member before be undergoes any treatment" I explain to the elderly man, he looks as if his life was taken away from him

"No no this can't be" she says in a low voice" I have been having this weird felling since last night I tried shaking it off only to find out my Rosa is hospitalized, God the irony"  I felt bad for this man no one deserves to go through such and as a matter of fact in his case twice

"We managed to find your son also would you like to tell him yourself" Lewis asks

"Yes do you mind if we call him now, he isn't the easiest person" he says looking apologetic, Lewis just nods bringing out his phone call the number immediately

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

"Hello who is this" female voice says

"Hello Katie is Ryan available"

"Yes he is hello father it's been awhile, how are you doing"

"Honestly dear I'm barely keeping it together please can you hand the phone to my son" we heard footsteps so I assume she was walking to him

"Father hello"

"Ryan I have bad new"

"Not again Dad" he almost growling causing the old man's face to sadden the more

"Well just so you know Rosa has been diagnosed with breast cancer and she is currently in the hospital"

"Fucking genes" he cursed into the phone

"Don't Ryan this is not the time, I need you guys to come back for some time this is an important issue" the elderly man sad furiously

"Well we can't come immediately but expect us next week"

"Alright please inform me before coming so I can make suitable living arrangements"

"Of course father" were his last words before he cut the call

"I'm sorry for his behavior, as I said earlier he isn't the easiest person to deal with" he apologized profusely

"No problem, regarding the bill it has already been taken care off no matter the cost just focus on being there for your daughter"

"No son you have done enough that isn't needed" he says trying to make me change my mind

"It is not a problem sir, I would like to help out and if this is how I can plz permit me"

"Alright son I'll forever be grateful and indebt to you" he says standing up to shake mine and Lewis' hand

"I'll see you are the hospital tomorrow around lunch"

"No problem son thank you once again" he says before we walk down the hall heading back to the car

"How did I end up in such a situation" I say letting out a deep breath

"I believe it all started the first day you came over to drop off Avery" Lewis eyes me cautiously as he spoke

"I guess" shrugging looking ahead as he eases into the road driving off towards my home

Thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘

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