chapter 11

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Rosalia's pov

"Well we have good news for you" doctor Charles says walking into my room

"That's just what I need" I mumble

"Well the cancer cells have been removed and you don't need to have surgery, for now just continue with your meds and in about 2 weeks you will be released"

"You are joking right" I say about to cry

"I won't do that Miss Ramonds, I have checked you are much better I'm sure you have noticed that you aren't so weak that means that you are getting better" he says rubbing my arm, I couldn't hold it back anymore I pulled him in a tight hug

"I'm sorry but also thank you doctor I really appreciate all you have done for me" I say sobbing while my speechless held me, I hardly heard the door open

"What's all the fuss about" I heard his voice say and suddenly I felt alive

"I was just telling Mr Ramonds and his daughter that we have successfully removed the cancer cells in her meaning the the last chemo help she will still remain on the meds but in about 2 weeks she will be discharged" doctor Charles explains once again

"Thanks so much doc you have no idea how we have wanted to hear those words" he says shaking the doctor hands before walking up to me

"I'm guessing those are happy tears hey"

"Very" I say before I'm engulfed into a hug, I immediately became aware of his scent which was a mix of Earth, sandwood and citrus which honestly was a weird combo but he wore it well.

"Sorry I was just excited about the news" he says after releasing me from the hug

"No problem I didn't mind" I say before letting face fall hiding my blush, ohh I forgot to tell you but after my 3rd chemo session I decided to shave off my hair so I don't get the safety of a wall of hair covering my blush

"Well I'm glad my Rosa is getting better your mom would be proud dear" papa says distracting me from my thoughts

"She will be won't she, I just wish she fought like I did" a small tear escaped from my eyes

"No my baby don't cry everything happens for a reason I'm sure where ever she is your mom is happy" papa says while wiping my tears away.

"Dear let me quickly inform your brother about this news I'll be right back" he says before walking out of the room making sure to close the door behind him

"Avery would be happy to find out about your progress"

"I can't wait to see her she has really been supportive in her own way through out my journey"

"Just her" he asks with a raised brow

"No also papa, May Drew the doctor and of course you" I say the last part in an almost whisper voice

"I'm glad I could help"  he says with a wide smile causing me to blush once more.


Bruce's pov

I was so happy to see color replaced on Rosalia's skin at least now I am assured that getting the best worked in her case.

"Mr Johnson"

"Sorry I spaced out what were you saying"  I say looking at my assistant

"I was saying that the Paris client has requested for your presence, they don't want to sign the contract via conference call" Tom says

"Hmm ohk when do they expect me there and how long will  I be staying there"

"You are to leave tomorrow and you will be back by next week if all goes well"

"Next week hmm, alright thanks Tom can you please cancel all my appointments for the day also move all appointments to when next week when I come back" I say he nods before exiting my office


Rosalia's pov

"Lia I was thinking that maybe you shouldn't return to the creche immediately you need to get better maybe a month after recovery you can come back"

"1 month May, I had been stuck her for almost 4 and a half months do you think I would be able to stay home" I say feeling irritated

"I know Lia but it's what's best for you" she says avoiding my eyes why do I feel like something else is wrong

"But at least I can come visit right"

"That won't be best because......" She doesn't finish her sentence

"Because what May" I almost yelled because she was just looking at me and I was scary

"Because the creche is non-existent" she whispered

"NON-EXISTENT!!!!" I sat up quickly"what do you mean what happened, when did this happen how come I had no idea"

"It was 2 months ago, the debts were piling up we just couldn't sustain bit anymore so we had to let bit go, Mr Johnson said it was best not to inform you because you were not in a right state of mind" she says, to say I wasn't pissed would be an understatement. I was pissed at myself the most for not even checking up on the creche I was so closed off I neglected my duties May and Drew has so much in their shoulder yet they had to deal with the creche too and I was pissed at Bruce for not telling me even though I was sick and he had good intentions I still deserve to know the creche was the place I was really looking forward to going back too.

"I'm sorry Lai I just didn't want to stress you, you were already going through so much" May says rubbing my upper arm looking sad

"I understand May I'm sorry for flipping out"

"I understand dear, unfortunately I had to leave now I'll come see you tomorrow and if Mr Johnson comes by as he always does please be nice he did it for your own good ohk" I nod in agreement to what she said, smiling she hugs me before leaving.


Bruce's pov

"Avery baby" I call out stepping into her bedroom

"I'm in the play room daddy" she responds

"Dear daddy is leaving for a business trip tomorrow so you will be staying with your Uncle Andrew and aunt Tiff ohk" I say picking her up and placing her on my lap

"Where will you be going to daddy"

"Paris dear, but I'll return next week" I say watching her face fall in sadness

"Next week, that's so far away daddy I miss you already" she says resting her face on my chest

"I miss already miss you too baby" I say rubbing her back as she silently sobbed

"Hey why don't we go out for ice cream and also visit Rosalia"

"Yayy let's go i miss her too, can we also get her Ice cream and some donuts" she says skipping in front of me

"Of course whatever you want" I say grabbing as we walk out of her room down the stairs out the door and into my car driving to the pastry shop close to the hospital.

Well we have good news Lia is cured🥳🥳🥳 thanks to y'all who are reading my story 🤗😊 pls don't forget to vote and comment 😁🙏😘.

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