🚀there is one impostor among us (pt. 1)🚀

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Plot synopsis: After discovering life on a distant planet in the far-off future, JAXA* sends out a crew of ten astronauts to investigate when something goes horribly wrong.

This will be based on my Among Us headcanons I did earlier, so I highly recommend you read that first before starting this.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Playlist (these songs radiate Among Us vibes):

- Smells Blood by Kensuke Ushio
- Paris by Else
-Fallen Down slowed from Undertale
-Nowhere to Run by Stegosaurus Rex
- Untrust Us by Crystal Castles
-I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters
- Suffer With Me by liue

I highly recommend the "among us vibes" playlist on Spotify. It'll be the first result that comes up.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Crowds of people gathered around the Tanegashima Space Center** at a safe distance, eyes on the spaceship pointed up toward the sky like a missile, ready to take off at a moment's notice. Photos were taken, parties were thrown, and good spirits were high.

Various news crews surrounded the area, struggling to make themselves heard over the chatter and wind and each other, vying for the best scoop and angle of the shuttle.

"A year ago, JAXA made the official announcement about discovering life on a distant planet, which they have codenamed Polus," began one news reporter, struggling to keep her hairdo in place from a helicopter flying past from above. "One month later, they announced the crew of astronauts being sent out-"

Her speech was cut off by a loud cheer from the crowd. She and the cameraman turned to see the crew in question making their way to the space shuttle.

"Ah, there they are! Kudo Shinichi, Hattori Heiji, Kuroba Kaito, Saguru Hakuba, Ran Mouri, Suzuki Sonoko, Toyama Kazuha, Nakamori Aoko, Koizumi Akako, and (Y/N) (L/N). Please wish them good luck on their journey!"

An even louder cheer went up from the crowd, whistling, and clapping.

The ten of you briskly walked toward the space shuttle, occasionally stopping to shake hands, but not spending too much time at that. You still had to conduct last-minute checks and preparations on the shuttle, after all.

After shaking the last of hands and hugging family members goodbye, you boarded the ship and made your way to your spots.

"Seatbelts on, kids," you said, voice muffled as you put on your helmet, locking it into place. You strapped yourself into your seat and began the pre-takeoff checks.

"Oxygen levels, normal," you confirmed.

"Shields are primed," confirmed someone else. You glanced to the side to see it was the Kaito, the astronaut in black, sitting off to your left. He caught your gaze and winked. A blush zoomed straight to your cheeks. You were thankful your helmet covered all signs of it.

"Communications, stable. Testing, testing, one two three. Mission control, can you hear us?"

You recognized that voice as Shinichi's, having worked with him before in training a lot. He sat in the front row in his distinctive blue spacesuit.

A crackle and a hiss in the microphone by your ear.

"Roger that, crewmate. Yes, we can hear you."

Your hands flew all over the various levers and buttons, checking over every aspect of the spaceship to make sure it was clear for takeoff.

"Mission control, we are all clear for liftoff," you confirmed. You spotted a blinking red light and realized it was a camera. You waved at it, knowing that basically everyone in Japan would see that.

"Roger that."

"T-minus 60 seconds until liftoff."

You glanced around the ship, trying to calm your nerves. Ran, the kindhearted cutie in pink you had worked with often in training, sensed your nervousness and leaned over, squeezing your hand in hers.

"Relax. It'll be alright," she reassured.

You nodded while sweating buckets and squeezed her hand back. To take your mind off of things, you glanced around. Ran and Shinichi were sitting next to you, with Sonoko sitting to the left of Ran, while Hattori was sitting to the right of Shinichi.

On the other side were the remaining five crewmates: Saguru Hakuba, Kuroba Kaito, Koizumi Akako, Nakamori Aoko, and Toyama Kazuha. Kaito and Saguru were bickering over something with Aoko only antagonizing Kaito even more, while Kazuha looked slightly out of place.

"15, 14, 13, 12..."

You took a deep breath and mentally prepared for liftoff.

"11, 10, 9, 8..."

Relax, you've got this, you reassured yourself. One year of training has prepared you for this and it's not going to waste in the big moment.

"7, 6..."

Ran's hand found yours and squeezed tightly. You winced, swearing you heard something pop.


You fumbled around and checked to make sure your seatbelt was securely fastened. It'd be an utter disaster if it wasn't.


You heard mumbling and cursing from your right. Shinichi was sweating buckets and mumbling under his breath.




You felt the engines rumble and shake beneath you as the rocket lifted up, up and away from the launchpad, and into the azure sky.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have achieved liftoff!"

You gasped and winced as the G-forces began pressing down on your chest and head. Training had prepared you physically and mentally for this, but it still wasn't able to compare to the real thing. It felt like going down the steepest drop of a roller coaster, only ten times worse.

Your temples pulsed with a blinding, numbing headache and you struggled to breathe. You had temporarily lost all hearing and just when you thought you could take it no more, it stopped.

Peeling your eyes open, you glance out the window to your left. An amazed gasp left your mouth as you hurriedly unbuckled your seatbelt and ran over.

From this high up, you could see the blue marble you called home: Earth. You could see the wispy white clouds obscuring the world below; the tan and green-speckled continents; the polar ice caps edged with a frosty ice blue; and the rich navy blue oceans that spoke of untold secrets and hidden depths.

"Woah..." you breathed.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" said Ran. You nodded, appreciating the beauty photographs couldn't capture.

All ten of you crowded around the window, simply admiring the view, but eventually pulling away after a while.

"Well, now that we're all here, shall we get started?"

*JAXA: The acronym given to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

**Tanegashima Space Center: One of the two centers where JAXA launches its rockets from. It's located on the southeast coast of Tanegashima, an island about 40 kilometers south of Kyushu.

Sorry if this is boring. I have to set the story up and everything, after all.

Word count: 1127 words

Page count: 12 pages

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