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I should go back

I kept repeating that in my head. Though I knew that we needed some space. Harry and I have literally met one year ago. Him and I have a been moving at such a fast pace because we have a child together.

Im scared that maybe we moved too fast.

That maybe because we jumped right into a life together as if we've been dating or even married for years, was too much.

I don't blame Harry for thinking what he did, I mean we are completely different and from different worlds. I would misjudge my intentions as well.

My thoughts get stopped when my driver to the train station startles me.

"Madam... madam you're here"

"Oh sorry," I apologetically smile as I pay for my ride, "thank yo- I mean merci" the driver nods a slightly laughs.

I buy a ticket for the next train which leaves in twenty minutes. After I get my ticket I sit on a bench and wait.

After about five minutes of staring at my feet, I hear a bing and notice my phone light up from a text.

It was Harry.

I hesitantly open it.

From Harry: Quinn I'm not going try and make you stay, unless you want to of course, but if you want to go home then do. I just wanted you to know that I messed up and I'm so so sorry and I can only hope that you'll forgive me. I don't know why I accused you of everything I said it was completely wrong and I know full heartedly that you aren't that type of person. This is the person you are... Quinn you are incredibly smart and inquisitive. I think you should go back to work if you want, I can see you now sitting at our desk with you laptop typing away about some fashion piece. You're also so kind hearted and loving to everyone you've every met. Your the best mother to our daughter. I knew that you'd be a great mother when we were setting up Charlie's room and you brought the Barbie doll of me and explained how you could see our daughter years from now playing with it, holding it, and it being her favorite toy because it was of me. I knew you'd be great because you could see her and us together being one big happy family. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared because I was. I didn't want us to bring in our precious girl and us to not get along, be separated, have to worry about custody. Then I was scared I'll be a bad dad and you wouldn't want me to be around Charlie or you. Shit I'm still scared I'll mess up. But knowing I have you at my side makes all of the fear go away. I love that about you, you make everything feel so much lighter and easier, how you are so effortlessly you if that makes any sense. I just want you to know I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in this entire planet. Well besides Charlie, because she's a piece of you and I. Yes she might not have been created out of our love for each other but she'll be raised around her parents love they share, which is more than what either of us can say. I love you so much Quinn. I'm sorry for giving you so much to read but there's still so much I could say about you. Please just text me when you arrive in London. Love -H

I was in the middle of reading it for the third time when I get distracted.

"Excuse me madam the train is about to go" the woman who sold me my ticket said.

"Ohh uh," do I stay or go, "thank you" I say as I get up pulling my suitcase behind me in the opposite direction of the train. The woman kept calling me back obviously confused.

As I wait for a car I hear some commotion coming from the train ticket stand.

"Please can you stop the train I need to get on it" his voice says. I turn around and see his back facing me.

"I'm sorry sir you have to wait for the next one" the woman from earlier says. Harry sighs and huffs, pushing his hands on his hair as he turns around.

His body completely goes frozen when he sees me. I smile and he comes running at me.

"You didn't leave" He says as he picks me up holding me as he spins us around.

"No I couldn't leave without you" I say and he kisses me.

"Did you get my text" I nod and he smiles.

"Every word two and a half times" I chuckle.

"I really do love you"

"I know and I really love you" I smile as he pushes a piece of my hair behind me ear.

"I'm sos prey for what I said and did I just got into my own head"

"Harry it's okay and I was wrong too for saying things I shouldn't have said"

"Jesus Quinn, how did I get so lucky with you" he smiles as do I. "This isn't how I was going to do it and in all honesty it's probably way to soon but when you know you know" Harry says

"Know what you aren't going to break up with me after all that?" I ask, confused and Harry laughs.

"No love" he shakes his head and turns around and grabs something from his bag. "I have loved you for some time now, long before we first started saying it to each other. Honestly I would've said it sooner but I was scared I was going to scared you away"

"That could have never happened"

"You are the best mother to Charlie and I could have never imagined having you and her with me a year ago but I have never been more grateful for two people in my whole entire life" he says as he slowly gets down on one knee and puts out in front of him what he grabbed in his bag.

"Harry" my hands cover my mouth from being shocked.

"Quinn Marie Monroe will you do me the honor of making me the most happiest man on earth and marry me" he asks opening the box letting the beautiful diamond ring sparkle.

"Yes" I smile and Harry stands up and I pull him in and give him a kiss.

"I believe this is yours now" he takes the ring out of the box and onto my left hand ring finger.

"I love you Styles"

"I love you too Styles-to-be"

Authors Note:

Hey everybody!!!! One more chapter left before the book is done. I can't believe it's almost over. I remember starting it as a joke to be honest, but I'm surprised that so many people have actually been reading this. I remember getting 1.5 k reads and telling my friends and being pretty impressed that that many people have viewed it. So to have 25k views is pretty cool!

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