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Two days later

"Are you sure your ok?" My mom asked as I was getting into my car.

"Yes mom it's just the flu that's going g around, chill out I'm fine, I'll stop at a CVS and grab some cold and flu medicine" I state.

"Ok bye, I love you" she blew me a kiss.

"Love you too" I pulled out of the driveway.

I lived about an hour and a half away from the city and I left really early so traffic would be lighter. Before I enter the city I decided to stop at a CVS and grab some cold medicine.

When I walk down the aisle I pass by pads and tampons, I stop dead in my tracks. I repeat the math in my head, I go over it and over it. I'm at least three weeks late. Fuck. I walk over to the pregnancy tests and grab a box of the most expensive kind. I can't believe I'm even about to buy these. I also grab the cold medicine. I go up to the cash register to check out and shyly put my items on the table to be rung up. The lady there was in her mid fifty's from the looks of it, I know she could tell how nervous and scared I was. Right when I finished paying and about to leave the lady mouthed 'good luck' to me and I gave her a shy smile and left.

I got into my car and just started driving trying to not think about what was in the CVS bag.

When I finally returned home, Sophie wasn't there because her and Brandon are at Brandon's parents till New Years. I head straight to the bathroom. I open the box and read the instructions carefully, though how hard is it to pee on a stick. Once I finished peeing I set my timer for three minutes and distracted myself by going through my instagram feed. Three minutes later (more like three days later if you'd ask me) my phone binged. I took a deep breath and held the pregnancy stick.

"You can do this Quinn" I say to myself. I slowly flip the stick.

I read it carefully and multiple times and each time I did all I saw was PREGNANT. I was pregnant, shit.

I fell to the floor and started crying, I cried uncontrollably. How was I going to raise a baby I'm only 22, what about college, how in the world was I going to tell Harry not like I can call him up. Plus Harry probably wouldn't believe me, or wouldn't want to be a dad hell I don't want to be a mom yet. Abortion wasn't an option I just couldn't take away a child's life away and I couldn't see myself giving my child up for adoption. What was I gonna do?

After about two hours of sitting on the bathroom floor I picked myself up and went into my room. I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't look pregnant but I am there is baby growing inside of me.

I needed to talk to someone. I couldn't tell my mom because she would either freak out and be upset with me and I just don't need to hear that right now. I call Sophie even though she is on vacation, I needed to talk to her. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello Quinn, what's up?" Sophie said through the phone.

"Soph," I start to cry again.

"Quinn what's wrong why are you crying?" She sounds concerned.

"I-I'm pregnant" I said quietly.

"Your what" she asked.

"I said I'm pregnant" I say again.

"I know I heard you the first time, I was just shocked"

"I am too trust me.. I'm scared and I-I don't know what to do. Like am I going to be a good mother or like how I'm gonna tell the father, if I even tell him" I ramble.

"Quinn, Quinn calm down. What do you mean you not gonna tell the father, he deserves to know" I roll my eyes because I know she's right. "You don't have to tell me but who is the dad anyway was it the guy I saw you with at the club a month ago?" she asks.

"Yea it's his and if I told you, you wouldn't believe me" I sigh.

"Tell me and the only way I won't believe you is if you say it's Patrick Swayze's" I laugh when she says that.

"No it's not," I chuckle.

"Then who is it?"

"Harry Styles" I say quickly.

"Your joking right?" She gasps.

"No" I huff.

"That's so not fair you shagged Harry Styles and why didn't you tell me he was there Kiwi is my jam, actually it's kinda funny because that song goes 'I'm having your baby, it's none of your business'" I roll my eyes.

"First no it's not fair that I shagged him because obviously we were both to drunk to remember to wrap it before you tap it and secondly it's definitely not funny, it's now my least favorite song ever" I rant.

"Ok sorry, that was probably a bad time to say that"

"You think" I say a little to sternly. "I'm sorry Soph I'm just really scared"

"I know Quinn, I know. Do you want me to leave and come back?" She asked.

"No you stay and have fun I'll see you in a few days"

"Ok well I have to go we are about to eat dinner" she says.

"Ok bye Sophie"

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