"Alex" he said "It's been awhile"

"It has been, James" I said.

"What are you doing here?"

"Blow some steam off" I said as I tried to pass him.

"Can I offer you a drink then?" he asked as he stepped in my way.

"I can buy my own drink"

"C'mon, one drink for old time's sake"

I gave up letting him lead the way to the bar. He ordered the drinks then looked over to me.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't believe you changed this much" he smile "You look more beautiful than I remember"

"Thanks" I mumbled as I sipped on my drink.

I looked down at his cup "I didn't mean to hurt you"

"But you did, twice" I said.

"I'm sorry" he said "Let make it up to you"

"I don't want to" I said.

"C'mon please, I really want to apologize" he said.

"Still the James I know, trying to lower me in one of your traps?"

"Trust me, I've changed a lot" he said smiling "I'm not looking for a one night or a relationship, I just want to be your friend again. Life is sucks without you"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

He handed me his phone "I need a way to contact with you so do you mind?"

"If I did, will you leave me alone?" I said.

"Yeah, only if I get to see you again"

I typed in my number.

"I'll see you later" he smirked and walked away.

As I watched him leave I caught Nathan and Sam dancing by the corner of my eyes which only gave me more reason to drink.

'I'm sorry Noah, I need to drink till I forget how to feel' I thought as I drank my second glass of whatever I was handed. I don't really remember what I happened after that. After the 8th cup everything went blank, like my mind stopped working and my body took over.

The best part was that I didn't feel any more pain or any other emotion.

...Nathan's P.O.V...

"I'll be back, nature call" Sam said as she got off of the chair.

I watched carefully her until she dispersed from my eye sight. It was really stupid from me to let her some here tonight, I needed to keep an eye on her so she wouldn't accidently hurt the baby.

"Nathan" Alex said walking toward me with a wide smile.

She was defiantly drunk.

Here we go again, her being drunk was the worst thing ever yet funny.

It pained me to know that I was the reason she was drinking. I didn't mean to hurt her, it wasn't spouse to go this way.

I was pulled back to reality when I felt some weight being placed on my lap. Alex straddled me with a smirk and placed her arms around my neck.


"Shhhh" she cut me off "I love you, Nathan"

I was about to say something when she covered my mouth with hers, she ran her hands though my hair and pulled me closer to her. I pulled away and pulled his hands down.

"Stop doing this, Alex" I said "You know that I'm with Sam now"

She chuckled coldly "But it was okay to cheat on me with her"

She ran her hand through her hair and got up.

"I really didn't mean to hurt you" I said.

"You're a lair, all guys are" she said tearing up "You say you care then you leave me like a toy you don't like anymore"

I wanted to apologize again but she left running.

This girl is really going to be the death of me.

I ran outside after her and grabbed her by the arm stopping her.

"I swear I didn't mean too" I said getting up "I loved you, Alex – with all my heart"

"Loved? Don't you love me anymore" she cried "Was I that terrible that you turned to my best friend and forgot me"


"No, just shut up and listen" she yelled "I worked my ass off just to make sure that you're happy, I went through so much to keep our relationship good, I starved myself so many times due to how insecure I was and the thought of you leaving me because of that, I choose you over the person who always placed me first because I love you more than anything, I ignored everyone's warning about how you'll end up hurting me, I trusted you even though have trust issues and I knocked down the walls that were built around my heart because I trusted you, Nathan"

She walked up to me then took my hand and placed it on her cheek "Can't you see? I'm madly in love with you"

She got on her tippy toes and tried to kiss me but I turned away.

"P...please, Nathan" she begged "Tell me you're in love with me, please I just want to hear it"

I couldn't say a thing. I knew how insecure she felt, I knew how desperate she was, I knew how much she loved me, I knew how much she wanted to hear it and yet I couldn't do it.

"Nathan" she begged again.

"I'm sorry" I said.

She pulled away, she rubbed her arms trying to worn herself up "Guess you wouldn't even care if I jumped off a bridge" she mumbled to herself.

"Don't you dare, Alex" I said pissed off.

She tried once before she met us so she has the guts to do it again.

"Just let me take you home" I said.

"I don't want to" she said "Just let me be, I know my way back"

"Alex, you're drunk" I reminded her.

"Let's hope the guy who'll pick up and take me his isn't" she smirked.

She knew exactly how to push my buttons.

"Don't test me" I said through my teeth.

"Why so you care, huh?" she said walking away "I'm just a check you played with to I kill time, you don't really care about me"

"Alex, stop"

I about to catch her when she slipped into a taxi.

"Will you relax, I'm going home" she said before she left.

I ran my hand through my hair, pissed off at myself.

The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her or make her cry, so why would think that I meant to do this to her.

..To be continued..

Falling for my gay best friend [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now