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Deep breaths. In and out.

In. Out.

"You'll be fine sir."

I glared at Anthony. He simply rolled his eyes. "Really? You've been to the office every single day for the last 5 years and you're freaking out now because you took a holiday for a few months?"

I chose to ignore him. I eyed my reflection in the mirror. I was never the kind to care about how I look. I would just wear what was barely suitable for any particular occasion. But for some really odd reason completely unfathomable to me, I paid extra attention on how I looked today. It was my first time back to the company after my father decided to put me into therapy again. To be honest I'm not even mad at the old man anymore. If it wouldn't have been for him, I wouldn't have come across Heaven.

Thinking about her puts me in a slightly better mood. We've, or rather she, has been working hard on me and my mental health. I don't even know what I'm doing. I just follow what she tells me to. Although there have been moments where I felt better and a little in control of my anger and emotions, apart from that, I still felt the same. That's the reason why going back to the company was making me really nervous. Not exactly for myself, but for the people who might really cross a line and become a victim to my beastly anger.

Fuck it. Who am I kidding? I'm nervous even for myself. I barely interact with people and now I've to go to the company at the company time, and through the main door with everyone seeing the future boss.

If only there were other ways to do this.

The doorbell rang, effectively bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at Anthony and he just smirked.

"Looks like your ladylove has come to lift up your spirits."

I simply rolled my eyes and swiftly walked towards the door. But I couldn't resist the thrill of excitement at the prospect of seeing her.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I opened the door and my breathe caught in my throat. In front of me stood Heaven in a perfectly tailored red jumpsuit, hugging her body perfectly, accentuating her curves and bringing out the power and femininity in her. Her beautiful long cascading hair was tied into an updo and face perfectly made with the right amount of makeup. But what caught my attention the most were her lips painted in a deep shade of red. Fuck.

"Good morning River! You look absolutely dashing! May I come in?" She chirped in her usual bubbly self.

I moved aside without a word as she walked in. I tried not paying attention to her behind as she walked in but it was proving difficult for me. I turned away to shut the door and not give in to my urges.

"Good morning Anthony! How are you this lovely morning?"

Anthony blinked at the sight of Heaven and looked speechless. He turned his eyes to me for a split second, seemingly asking the same question- what is up with her today? I just shrugged.

"G-good morning Heaven. You err...you look beautiful today. Any special occasion?" Anthony said and looked at me again for a split second.

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