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"Ven I-"

"Go to your room. I'll talk to you later."

June's face fell and she looked down. She nodded slowly and giving a last glimpse to her knight in shining armour, walked into her room and shut the door. I turned my eyes to the other culprit, who currently was enjoying himself a little too much in my house.

"Did I say you could venture into my kitchen and eat my chips?"

His hands paused inside the packet of chips and he gulped. He pulled his hands out of the packet and dusted them off. Clearing his throat, he left the packet on the counter top and walked out from the back of the counter.

"Listen Heaven. We can talk about this." He started, with his hands in front of him in a surrendering gesture. I folded my arms and gave him a raised eyebrow look.

"Then talk."

He walked towards the couch and sat down comfortably. He then patted the space besides him for me to take. I just rolled my eyes. His usual blank face turned hard and for a second, it reminded me of the old River. The one who used to be so reserved with me it was like talking to a wall. But his voice was still filled with amusement so I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me, Ms.Smith?" He drawled out in amusement but his face remained the same.

I just gave him a bored look. He sighed. He put out his hand and pulled me down on the couch besides him.


"Shh. Let's be adults about this."

I pulled my hand out of his grasp in anger. "Adults? Be adults? Are you kidding me River? I wasn't the one who gave into a child's mischief. And what's wrong with the school authorities? She told them you're my boyfriend and they called you without any hesitation? Without confirming with me? That's so irresponsible! I seriously need to have a good talk with them. It's a good thing you aren't some stranger. But what if someone else impersonated you? Would they know? No! They wouldn't. This was so childish and....and"

"Sshh honey. Take a breath. You're going to hyperventilate yourself." River rubbed my back to calm me down. My cheeks burned at the term of endearment he just used. It must have slipped his mind. I turned my face to hide behind the curtain of hair.

"I'm sorry Heaven. If I had known it was going to distress you so much, I wouldn't have given into it. I honestly thought it was a small matter, which it was, so I didn't want to bother you. And I understand your concerns. I would've a talk with June and explain to her why she shouldn't pull such a stunt again. Stop worrying."

"No it's fine. I'll talk to her. She has to understand why she can't do some things. It's okay. And I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I-" I stopped when I realised something. A small smile came to my face. River looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"Why are you smiling like a creep?"

I rolled my eyes. "Can't you say something nice for once?"

He shrugged. I ingnored his last remark and held his hand excitedly.

"You didn't realise, did you?"

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