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The first rays of the morning sun couldn't lift up my spirits after an all nighter. I tossed and turned but couldn't find it in me to sleep.

After I came rushing back to June, she was upset at me. She thought I left my job to be at her 'beck and call' as she stated. I tried to make her understand that it was my decision to come back. We got into a small argument and she locked herself in her room. But how long could a 7 year old stay mad? She did come around and we made apologies and resolved everything as always.

But after both of us went to bed, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out. I missed mom and dad so much. I longed to feel my mother's fingers through my hair again, lulling me to a dreamless stupor. I wanted to feel my father's warm bear hugs whenever I felt insecure as a teenager. I love June to death and the thought of losing her just like my parents breaks my heart into tiny pieces. But I know my sister is a fighter and she would soon leave this chapter behind.

And if my crying session wasn't enough, River's call left me confused and unsettled. Did he or did he not say we're friends now? Or was it all my imagination? But he did call me. Why did he call me so late at night?

All these thoughts left me sleepless and I woke up with red eyes and dark circles underneath my eyes. Nonetheless I got up and got ready to head to River's house. I know I didn't have to go so soon and make him breakfast, but something told me he liked my pancakes and that left little butterflies in my stomach for no apparent reason.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I prepared June's breakfast and left it on the counter with a sweet note. I also sent Judy a notification reminding her to pick up June, even though I know she won't forget.

I drove to River's house and instantly rushed to the kitchen. But the scene in front of me stopped me on my tracks.

River was sitting on the counter with another male and they were both having breakfast. They seemed to be in a deep conversation and for a minute I didn't feel like interrupting them. But as I turned to leave discreetly, my handbag collided with the flower pot kept at the corner and it came crashing down.

That definitely caught the whole neighbourhood's attention.

I turned towards my audience with a sheepish look on my face. River's face was as always blank, showing no emotions whatsoever even after I just broke his flower pot. Strange man.

The other guy though looked at me alarmingly and I smiled sheepishly. He was cute in a nerdy way, with glasses and side swept brown hair atop his head. He hesitantly smiled back.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your meeting. I was just taking my leave when my bag collided with the pot. I'm so sorry. I'll pay for it." I rambled.

River shook his head and turned towards the man standing beside him. "I hope that's all Anthony. If there's anything else, please notify me.

The Anthony guy nodded. "Sure sir." He got up and taking some files from the counter, brushed past me without a second glance.

Like boss like employee. Emotionless.

"Good morning Heaven."

River's voice pulled me out of my mindless thoughts and I squeaked out a little good morning.

He leisurely finished his coffee like he had all the time in the world and then got up. He put the dishes in the sink and turned and walked past me. I furrowed my eyebrows. Was he upset with me? Did I do something?

Of course you did idiot! You broke his flower pot. Bet it was pretty expensive.

I followed after him to the living room, rambling on my way.

"I'm so sorry River. I'll make it upto you, I promise. I'll get you a new pot. Although it might not be as beautiful and expensive as this one, I'll get another one. Just-"

"Take a seat Heaven. We've things to discuss."

He sat himself on the opposite couch and gestured for me to take a seat in front of him. I instantly took one and waited for him to say something.

"You don't have to worry about the flower pot. I'll take care of it."


"As I said, I'll take care of it. As for you, I think it's not necessary for you to come so early in the morning. It's what, nine? You can come after ten."

I frowned. "But I've been coming at nine every morning and I make you breakfast. I didn't know you had guests today. I would've-"

"You don't have to make me breakfast. You're my therapist. Not my cook or caretaker." He cut me off rudely.

I won't say that his statement didn't bruise my ego a bit, because it did. Just this morning I thought he loved my pancakes. Seems like I was wrong.

"Okay River." I said, trying to keep the dejection out of my voice.

His eyes grew wide a bit. Maybe he wasn't expecting me to agree so soon. But what could I even do? If he didn't want my food, I can't force him to have it.

"Okay then. Let's proceed. And please, try to maintain professionalism. You're here for your work, not to make friends. Although I would've preferred someone else, I'm stuck with you and your stubborn ass. So please try to stay in your boundaries."

His words seemed like a knife to my chest. I had thought that after yesterday we had made some progress. Seems like I was wrong once again. Now although I love my sister, a small part of me wished she hadn't had an emergency yesterday. Maybe if she hadn't called, we would've made further progress.

Does that make me a bad sister? I hope not.

Unfortunately, just like my pride in my pancakes, my pride in my friendship skills also went down the drain. He not only crushed my hopes of trying to get through him, but also any further way of making him open up. Because I knew if I took the professional way, this was never going to work out. This was River.

But as he oh so nicely stated out how stubborn I am, I was not going to back down. Maybe I was crossing some lines by trying to force my existence upon him. But Dr.Lynn had given me detailed description about how nothing ever worked on him. Maybe because everyone always treated him just like a patient. Maybe what he needed was a friend. A friend to listen to him. Maybe his own friends never gave him enough chance or maybe he did speak to them but nothing came out of it. As a therapist, I can't even blame his friends for not wanting to get into his mess. Everyone has their own messes and reasons.

So making up my mind, I looked at him determinedly.

"You want me to stay professional, right?"

He nodded.

"And treat you as I treat my other clients? Follow my way of therapy?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, probably thinking what new was cooking in my mind. But he nodded nevertheless.

"Okay then." I slapped my thighs and got off the couch. "Let's go."

He frowned. "Where?"

I smiled mischievously at him.

"To show you Heaven's way of therapy."


Short chapter. But I hope you all like it.

As always, vote for it. Stay safe.

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