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"Tell me again why are we in a park?"

River grumbled beside me as we sat on a bench under a huge tree. I drove us here after he so blatantly told me to stick to my way of therapy.

Well. I'm definitely going to show him that.

I ignored him because this was the fifth time he was asking me this. I kept licking my popsicle as I watched a few kids run around and play. Occasionally a small smile would creep up my face.

I turned my gaze towards River once again and almost felt bad for him. He looked so out of place. He was dressed casually- in a pair of jeans and tshirt. But something in his stance and eyes seemed far from casual. I saw the popsicle in his hand still untouched and frowned.

"That's for eating. How long has it been since you had a popsicle?"

He looked at me and then at the popsicle like it was something out of this world. Then he slowly replied, "I don't remember."

I gazed at the side of his face and for a moment, forgot everything I had in mind to say. River was not someone you would see on the cover of a playboy magazine. Or even as a model. But he was still attractive in a rugged, mature kind of way. He had light stubble growing on his face and his sharp jaw ticked every once in a while. His nose was slightly crooked, possibly from an old injury. His hair was messy partly due to the wind, and partly due to his constant running of hand in his hair.

He turned to look at me and I looked away abruptly, afraid of getting caught while admiring him. I could feel his burning, questioning gaze on the side of my face and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

I threw my stick in the trashbin and looked at him determinedly.

"So River. What do you see here?"

He stared at me in confusion, and slowly ran his eyes around the park.

"It's a park."

I nodded. I was not at all going to get irritated or impatient with him. This was my job and he was my client. He deserves utmost care from my side.

And even if he denies, he's my friend now.

"What do you see in this park?"

He sighed. "Are you going to turn into all those boring therapists now? You were kind of okay before, even though you acted like a pain in the ass."

I bit my lip from smiling at his remark. "You wanted me to do what I'm good at. I'm just doing what you want."

He glared at me. "Oh so now you listen to me?"

I ignored his sarcastic comment and ran my eyes around us. "Look around. For a moment, don't think about anything. Nothing at all. Not your work, not your annoying therapist," I giggled at his expression, "not your past." I whispered the last part and looked directly into his eyes. He seemed conflicted.

"Just look around. Observe."

He did as I said and looked around. He ran his gaze around the park- at the children giggling, playing and running, at the couples walking hand in hand, lost in their bubble of romance, at the huge trees that provide shade and comfort from the scorching heat. And then slowly closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The next moment when he opened his eyes, they were trained on the two kids playing a little away from us. I focused my gaze on his eyes and that's when I noticed for the first time.

A flicker of pain passed his eyes before they were filled with longing and sadness. His perfect black hues kept themselves trained on the kids and he seemed to have gone back to his own childhood. I wonder how his childhood had been.

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