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I had just walked out of the shower when the phone started ringing for the umpteenth time. I sighed impatiently and plucked it out of the charge point. The caller ID said Dad.

"Good morning Dad."

"Whatever son. Why am I already getting a call from your therapist about your behaviour?"

What the...?

"What do you mean?" I tried to play innocent, all the while trying not to break anything in the room. It was just cleaned yesterday after a week's rampage.

"Oh come on son don't play innocent now. I got a call from Ms.Smith about your behaviour. Really River, you had to throw her out of the house?"

I gritted my teeth. "She told you, huh? She's not my therapist. You said you'd hired Dr.Lynn. Then who the hell is this immature girl coming in her place?"

"How do you know she's immature? Have you spoken to her at all? Give her a chance. And I knew she was coming in place of Meredith. I left you a message about the change of plans. Didn't you check it?"

I frowned. "What message?"

Dad sighed at the other end and I could almost see him running his hand down his face in frustration. "Listen son. I know the last week has been tough. That's why I'm doing this for you. You have to try at least once. Give that girl a chance. Meredith said she's excellent at her job. You won't be disappointed."

I snorted. "And how can I trust Meredith?"

"She's the one who has seen you at your worst, right? So if she sends someone in her place, she won't do it just because."

I let out a breath of air. "Fine fine. I'll give her a chance. But if she screws up, she's gone. Am I clear?"


I hung up on Dad and got dressed quickly. My stomach was growling so I decided to make something for myself.

I went down the stairs but stopped when I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I slowly crept down, without making any noise. As I turned the corner to the kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks and prayed to the lord above to give me strength to deal with this.

Because standing in my kitchen, waltzing around like she knew each and every corner of this house, was none other than my therapist. The one I threw out just an hour ago.

She was gliding across from one corner to the other, cooking something and setting plates. Her long, dark brown tresses were tied into a bun atop her head, with few strands of hair falling out and covering her face delicately. Her yellow summer dress danced along with her in stark contrast to the black and white setup of my kitchen. She looked like a sunflower growing amidst a dead garden.

And something about that didn't sit well with me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

She gasped as the spatula in her hands fell to the ground. She turned and looked at me with wide, doe like eyes. She blinked twice and then smiled sheepishly.

"Hello again Mr.Harrison. I was just........you know......um making some breakfast for you?" She finished her sentence, making it sound like a question.

I folded my arms across my chest and leaned on the wall, not breaking eye contact with her at all. She gulped and looked everywhere but at me. I internally smirked.

"Didn't I tell you to go back?"

She blinked her eyes again and said, "Umm yeah. About that. Actually um your father you know.......he told me you might not have had breakfast. So I decided to make you some."

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