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I barged into Dr.Lynn's clinic with a huff. The receptionist was new and seemed friendly enough. I walked towards her and banged my purse on the counter. She jumped a little and narrowed her eyes at me.

"How may I help you?" She asked warily.

"Dr.Lynn. I need to see Dr.Lynn." I huffed.

"Dr.Lynn is quite busy today. I can schedule an appointment for tomorrow." The receptionist replied politely.

I shook my head. "I can't. Tell her it's Heaven Smith. I'm her assistant. Tell her I need to see her. Please do something and clear a spot for me." I pleaded.

The receptionist, whose name tag says 'Sarah', asks me, "Should I book a slot as her assistant or...?"

I looked at her incredulously. Granted I looked like a madman now but I didn't need therapy.

Or who knows I do. River really did a number on my mind.

"Assistant of course!"

Sarah nodded and called up Dr.Lynn. She nodded a few times and saying thank you hung up.

"What did she say?" I leaned forward eagerly.

"She asked you to go in. She's finished with her last client."

I smiled. "Thank you Sarah. And by the way, I'm Heaven." I introduced myself. I liked her better than all other receptionists we had in the past.

Sarah smiled back. "Nice to meet you Heaven. I hope to see you again since you're Dr.Lynn's assistant."

I nodded and rushed towards her cabin. Just as I reached her door, it was flung open and a tall, angry guy barged out. His face was covered by a hoodie so I didn't see anything. But he was damn tall. And apparently angry. I shrugged. Most people don't like therapy.

I walked in and saw Meredith with her head in her hands. She looked stressed. I sat besides her and put my hand on her shoulder. She flinched a little at the contact but sat still.

"Is everything fine Dr.Lynn?" I asked her.

She raised and smiled slightly. "Yeah of course. Just my last patient was a real struggle."

I recalled the angry guy leaving the room. "Yeah I could tell."

She laughed and got up to fetch some water. She smiled knowingly as she poured herself a glass.

"He reminds me of someone." She said and shook her head lovingly.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

She took a big gulp of the water and came to sit next to me.

"How are you? And how come you're here today?" She sidestepped my question but I didn't have time to dwell on it as the more pressing matter was biting me at the back of my mind.

"Why am I off River's case?" I asked abruptly.

Dr.Lynn put her glass down and looked at me. I tried to decipher anything from her look but came up blank. She was blank.

"I'm sorry Heaven but it was the patient's request."

I looked at her flabbergasted. "Patient's request?! B-but why?? I mean me and River were finally getting somewhere!! Then why all of a sudden....."

A sudden thought struck me. Of course! In my desperation and a stressed state of mind, I had failed to remember the details of our last encounter.

How stupid of me!

"He's embarrassed, isn't he? That has to be the reason!! Because I swear we were progressing! And the fact that he lost control, this shows he's cracking up, isn't he? That's a good sign, isn't it Dr.Lynn?" I looked at her with pleading eyes.

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