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Recollection /reck-oh-leck-shun/
n. the action or faculty of remembering something.

HER PHONE THAT was placed on the nightstand earlier had been snatched back up by Avelina

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HER PHONE THAT was placed on the nightstand earlier had been snatched back up by Avelina. She also grabbed the paper that had Johnathan's phone number written on it. The recollection of when he had given it to her for when she ever needed a question to be answered had played out in her mind. It didn't matter whether or not he no longer worked for Adrik, she still wanted him to answer every single one of her questions.

After dialing his number, it didn't take long for him to answer.

"Avelina, what a lovely surprise," Johnathan spoke into the phone. She rolled her eyes, plopping down onto her bed.

"Look, I don't want to talk long," she began, "here's the thing, I don't think I was hired just because of my skill. I believe there is so much more to the story. So, please, I'm begging you-tell me why I was truly hired in the first place," she pleaded.

There was a deafening silence on the other line. So silent to the point that Avelina pulled the phone away from her ear just to check if maybe Johnathan had hung up. His name still lit up her face from her phone's screen, so she knew that he was still very much there.

"Okay, but not over the phone. I want to meet up with you tomorrow night at 'Blissful'. It's a big-time restaurant, so make sure to dress fancy. See you at eight, Avelina," he told her in such a taunting way.

"Wait, no! I'd be stupid to go anywhere with you alone. I don't exactly trust you. Not only that, but I am not going on a date with you," she pointed out with a face shriveled up in disgust.

Jonathan wasn't an unattractive guy, at all. He was quite handsome despite the fact that he didn't come close to measuring up to Adrik's good looks. Aside from that, he was creepy.

"Fine. I guess you don't want to know who Vincent is and what he has to do with you. Bye, now," he chuckled.

Avelina's blood was boiling. Her mind was questioning if she should accept his offer and take what she can get, or hang up the phone and never talk to the idiot ever again.

"I'll accept only if you agree to tell me what happened to Natasha," she said quietly.

"You have my word," was the last thing that left Johnathan's mouth before Avelina hung up the phone.

At the end of the day, something sketchy was definitely happening and it was up to Avelina to find out what it was. She no longer felt safe. Her intuition was screaming at her that she was being played. Her luck was too bad for something good to happen to her.

Sliding her phone underneath her pillow, she let out a groan. Her hand ran through her hair as her teeth nibbled down on the inside of her cheek. It was a habit she developed recently everytime she was nervous.

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