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“What the hell?!” I screamed on top of my lungs reading the article that I just read minutes ago

“Jimin's Nightmare Ya Dumb! That's ridiculous!” I angrily threw my phone on the bed

“Why does everyone keep on believing his lies?! They're all stupid thinking that Rosé dumped her just because He's fat and Ugly!” I madly stood up before marching towards the door opening it

But I was started when I saw a man standing infront of me while holding a glass of water

I scoffed seeing the sight of him infront of me. I hate seeing him

He's the reason why my life messed up

He's the reason why I have to leave the person I truly love

“What do you want?” I plainly asked and he nervously scratched his nape before giving me the glass of water

“What was the that for?” I seriously asked him

He suddenly cleared his throat before looking directly into my eyes

“Incase you get thirsty” He smiled weirdly giving me his cute gummy smile which made my heart flutter

“No need, I'm not thirsty” I scoffed before passing by leaving him

“Haven't you read about the article already?”

I stopped from my tracks hearing those from him

I quickly looked back seeing him still holding the glass on his hand while still smiling at me

“What's the deal if I've already red it?” I crossed my arms while looking at him

“Come on Jisoo, we both know what real happened back then. Do you want Rosé to take all the blame while Jimin is actually just playing as the victim?” He placed the glass down through the table beside him before facing me seriously

“We both know that Rosé gained a lot pain just because of him. Do you wan her to suffer just because He's turning everything all upside down?” He said and I felt a pang on my chest remembering Rosé crying in my arms just because of him

“Aren't you doing anything?” He continued which made me confused

“You're a well known person here in Korea, you can help her” He said and I looked down

“I know you hate me. But I'm pleading you Jisoo. Help Rosé, She have been through a lot” He pleaded which made me feel bad

I breathed heavily before answering

“Don't worry, I'll try Yoongi”


I was walking through the hallways with my schoolmates. I just looked down not wanting to gain attention from the other students around me

As I was walking into the School Grounds, a loud thunder suddenly flashed in the sky making the me and Students shout and whine in surprise

Then after that drops of rains started to run down from the sky raining heavily

Great, just great, I have no umbrella for God's sake

I just huffed and quickly ran away going to a huge tree which were just a mile away from me as I placed my books in my head preventing myself to get wet

I quickly put my books down when I reached the tree just across the school garden where I can see the other students running away from the rain, some were using umbrellas and walking outside the University

I just breathed heavily before leaning against the tree and gazed down through my watch

“Shit, it's already pass six! Dad will kill me!” I whined looking around trying to find my friends hoping that I could share an umbrella

I looked around but find nothing so I just took my phone and texted Mom and Dad to tell them that I'll be late from coming home

I turned off my phone before looking around and found that I was the only one left here

I just rolled my eyes before sitting down to my books laying in the ground not caring if it would get wet or what, I'm tired as hell

Well practically, I was part of the Students Council which means I'm seriously busy nowadays since the upcoming Foundation Day would be held next week

And add the fact that I was also part of the Schools' Volleyball team and practically the varsity added my work

Well, as far as I remember, mom was also part of the Schools’ Volleyball team and was actually the varsity. What if I ask her to teach me some move? But damn, she can't because she's already old as hell

I ruffled my hair due to frustration before crossing my arms like crazy

I closed my eyes leaning against the tree to take a little nap, waiting for the rain to stop

“Aren't you going home?”

I quickly stood up when I heard someone behind me

“What the hell Woo-ri?! You started me!” I laughed

“But seriously, aren't you still going home? Your Dad might be already looking for you. You know how scary He is when He's angry” Woo-rin said and I scoffed remembering how strict my Dad is

“I don't have an umbrella” I pouted before taking my books on the ground which were already wet

“Luckily I bought another one this morning” Woo-ri smiled before taking a purple umbrella inside her bag which made me smile

“Oh God, Thank You!” I happily took the umbrella on her hand before opening it

“Let's go. Your Dad might explode if you don't go home by time” She laughed which made me playfully slap her in her arms

I happily walked besides her walking out of the University with the other Students

The night was already dark and dim due to the heavy rain so we decided to walk faster

“Hey, is that your Dad?”

I was confused when Woo-ri pointed to a man inside a cafe while drinking a cup of coffee

I scoffed looking at the man who's wearing a black suit with his silver watch on his wrist

I was surprised

“What is he doing there? Aren't he still working?” Woo-ri asked confused

I was also wondering why is he there

Suddenly a woman came sitting infront of him with a beautiful smile on her face

She's pretty though, She even look like an Angel with Her plain white dress and curled blonde hair

“Dang! Is your Dad cheating?” Woo-ri asked and I was left blankly looking at them whose happily talking towards each other

I looked at Dad who seemed to enjoy talking towards the woman infront of him

“Heol! He's cheating!” Woo-ri freaked out when She saw the woman holding my Dad's hands

I clenched my fist seeing him happily smiling

“Daebak! It's Park Roseanne!”



Sorry if I didn't delivered the story well😞
Im just to busy through my studies since our third module were already been distributed
Plus the fact that I have to hide towards my Mom whenever I have to write and Update
But don't worry, I'll still try my best to finish this😊

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