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Lisa's POV

"Ms. Manoban, Mr. Jeon! To My Office, Now!"

I rolled my eyes when the Principal suddenly came out from somewhere while me and Jungkook were fighting.

"Oh come on! It's not my fault!" I glare at him when he shout, what a jerk.

"Yah! It's your fault! Don't blame me!" I shouted back to him and he just rolled his eyes which made me more irritated, this man is really annoying.

"Don't roll your eyes at me you piece of shit!" I almost punched him in the face when the Principal suddenly held my wrist stopping me from doing so. Oh I almost forgot about him.

"Both of you, office now!" He repeated holding my wrist tightly which made me flinch.

"Oh come on Mr. Kim, It's not like it doesn't happen every day" Jungkook smirked at the elder, pissing him off more .

"Mr. Jeon, Detention!" He let go of my wrist before looking straight at the son of a bitch in front of me, now you're dead.

"Psh! Is that the only thing that you can do? Oh God Mr. Kim, it's like the fourth time you sent me to Detention this week" He rolled his eyes crossing his arms in front of the raging man.

"Psh! It's like you're not talking to the Principal" I whispered but I know that he heard it because he laughed his ass off.

"And so what? I'm not even scared" He rolled his eyes for the nth time before leaving all of us going somewhere which I don't even care.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook come back here!" The Principal ran following him to wherever he went but that's none of my business.

Everyone in the hallway started whispering but I just rolled my eyes leaving the scene that he made just minutes ago.

"Oh My God Lalice what happened?!" I saw in my peripheral vision that someone is running towards my direction. I looked at the person.

"Oh Rosé there you are!" I hugged her tightly instead of answering her question

"Yah! What happened?! Why does Principal Kim running?! Where's Jungkook?!" She bombered me with questions but the last question pissed me off, I know that she has a feeling towards that Jerk and that freaking annoys me.

"You don't need to know Rosé, It's nothing." I answered before walking away from her.

I saw her following me but I didn't even budge looking back at her and just walked towards the cafeteria, I'm seriously starving.

When I entered the school's cafeteria, the loud voices of Students welcomed me. Walking towards the counter to order, Rosé still followed me.

"What's bothering you?" She asked but I didn't answer. Instead, I just took my food quietly and head towards an empty table. She did the same and sat in front of me.


We just finished practicing volleyball and I come out to be always this late at night...

As I was walking towards the hallway heading home, I saw a figure standing in front of the office with his head low looking onto the ground while holding his bag. I smirked realizing who it is.

"How's Detention?" I annoyingly asked him knowing that he's not in the mood. He rose his head then rolled his eyes when he saw me.

Once Upon A Dream || LISKOOK AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin