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Jih-hyun's POV

I looked at Mom who's unconsciously laying down in the hospital bed

I gazed down through her stomach which were not that that big though for she was still in her second month carrying the baby

I huffed sitting in the couch just besides the bed looking at the ceiling

Dad carried Mom here to the hospital when she suddenly fainted in the middle of the road

I felt sorry for Mom for almost loosing the baby. The doctor said that Mom almost lose the baby due to the impact of the ground hitting her stomach, but thank Goodness the Mom and Baby were safe

I swear to God, if I ever see that Tzuyu again, I'm goin' to break her neck for doing this to Mom!!

Dad were really nervous lately, he kept on asking the Doctor if Mom was okay. Actually, I can't doubt him for being paranoid. Mom just bled!

But to be serious, I've been sensing something different towards Mom and Dad. They seemed to be out of the world

-They don't know that they were married

-They don't know that they have child, which they freaking made

-They don't remember our names which where seriously given by them

-Mom suddenly can cook which were kinda creepy because she doesn't even know how to open the stove

-Dad doesn't know he has a job which were he was really proud of being a CEO

-They were sleeping in different places which were unusual because they can't even last any second without each other

-They were always fight this past days which kinda creep me out because they never been argued back then but now they were fighting over little things

-They were acting all childish even though they were already grown ups

Like seriously? Who wouldn't find those weird. They were both acting weird this past few days, but all I remembered is that when they woke up

They seemed to be shocked by the fact that they were married. Like seriously, they were practically already married for 16 years!

Whatever so is going on between the both of them, I will surely find out soon



I quickly looked around when I heard Mom mumbled my name. She's looking around cluelessly where she actually was

I already told you, they're weird

"W-what happened? Where am I?" She asked nervously

I breathed heavily before sitting besides her. My Mom looks cute just like her daughter, LOL

"Mom, you're at the hospital-"

"What?! Why?! What happened?!" She cutted me off suddenly bombering me with questions, she's being paranoid

"Dad sends you to the hospital after you fainted lately" I answered shortly and she mouthed an 'O' nodding siletly

"Is that so? But t-the b-blood lately.... What happened?" She stuttered asking me and I felt nervous for how would I tell her that she almost lose her third child

I breathed heavily trying to find the right words to tell her

"M-mom, please don't panic, kay?" I asked her bitting my bottom lip nervously and she just nodded siletly

"Y-you almost lose your baby..." I uttered closing my eyes but I was all shocked when I heard nothing but the sound of the Air Con only

I peeked but all I saw was her clueless reaction. She's raising her right eyebrow as if she was asking me what's wrong

Well, it was actually her. She didn't even panicked knowing that the baby almost died inside her freaking womb

"What are you talking about? I have a baby?" She knitted her eyebrows looking at me seriously. God is she serious?

"M-mom you're pregnant- two months" I said looking at her curiously. Did she had amnesia to forget that she's freaking pregnant right now?

"WHAT?!!" I covered my ears when she suddenly shouted looking really surprised for what I just said at her, her eyes and jaw were open wide as if It was a joke

"Mom, can you not? Don't you remember? You're pregnant with your third baby" I said looking at her curiously

"No, that can't be!! I'm not pregnant with his freakin' child!!" She whined grabbing both of my shoulders looking like a crazy desperate bitch- sorry Mom

"Mom, stop being delusional okay?! You're pregnant and It's Dad's, so shut it!" I rolled my eyes before removing her hands in my shoulders

"No, no, no!! This can't be!!" She suddenly pulled her hair due to frustration, as if she would die being pregnant with her husband

"Mom stop whining okay? Ya already did gave birth at me and Jae, so what's the deal of giving birth again. It's not like it's your first time" I crossed my arms but she shookt her head aggressively

"It's not like what you think it is!!" She said plopping back down to the bed still whining like a little kid who loss her favorite tow

See? She's being paranoid

Just then Mom was whining endlessly the door suddenly opened wide by someone

Dad was panting heavily while looking at the both of us seriously, but I was shocked when he suddenly pulled me up

"Yah! What the hell?!" I tried to let go from his grip but he was much stronger than me so he succeeded pushing me outside the room

"What the hell is your both problem?!!"

Lisa's POV

I lifted my head up when I heard the door being locked up by the jerk

I looked at him angrily, I was still upset knowing that I was pregnant. And the worst was with him!!

He stood infront of me with a serious face which I returned raising my eyebrows, he's being weird, I'm being weird, we're being weird, and yeah- we're both weird

"We need to talk"



So how's it going?
Is it good?
Is it bad?
Is it boring?
Or is it weird?
Please tell me, I'm being paranoid here😌
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Thank You 😇

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