☄️ CHAPTER 35 || ...

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Ji-hyun's POV

"She's still unconscious"

I fell on my knees as Dr. Jung said those words

My eyes landed on Dad who's already crying on the floor

Mom's unconscious

"The laboratory test came out that her head had been hit by a hard item that causes her skull to have a diminutive crack near her cerebellum" Dr. Jung continued

I can't control my emotions as tears started flowing from my eyes

"This might affect her coordination of voluntary movements such as posture, balance, coordination, and speech, resulting in complicate and unbalanced muscular activity" He looked down as writting on his log book

"As of now, she still needs to undergo more tests to identify if there's more complications. Don't worry, we'll do anything to help her to survive" Mr. Jung smiled before walking away leaving just the two of us

"What should we do?" I muttered looking at Dad who's already sitting on one of the waiting chairs

"I don't know" He whispered before looking down on the floor

I breathed heavily before sitting besides Dad who's deeply thinking

"Now what?" I whispered on my own

"I swear—" I clenched my fist before looking up on the ceiling as anger already took over my system

"Who ever did this to mom, They'll probably regret doing this" I angrily muttered

I saw on my peripheral vision that Dad looked at me

"Death is near them"



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