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Lisa's POV

“Appa!!!” I looked around when I heard Jae-min shouted behind me. He ran towards the man standing in the door frame with a poker face

Jae-min hugged Jungkook happily but the jerk just standing looking at him weirdly

“Hmm.... Welcome home” Ji-hyun said sitting besides me in the dining table, already eating dinner that I would proudly say that I cooked

“Appa look! Eomma cooked us dinner!!” Jae-min said pulling him towards the dining area looking really proud of me

I just looked at him seriously when he suddenly smirked looking at the dishes in the table

“Don't know you can cook Lalice” He said sitting besides Jae-min who was already continuing eating happily infront of me. I furrowed my eyebrows to him

“Well I do” I smirked back answering him

“Bet it would taste horrible” He laughed making my blood boil but Ji-hyun suddenly spoke

“You're probably wrong Dad, Mom's cooking is better than yours” She smirked looking at me. I also smirked seeing his sudden change of reaction, he somehow frowned from the girl's statement

“Yah! I'm better than her!” He pointed to the young girl while angrily glaring at me, I almost laugh by his expression. Hah! Defeat!

“Well She is” Ji-hyun grinned giving me a high five before sticking her tongue infront of him making me laugh

I think I already like the thought of having a child like her, she's so fond to be with. We were both fond of pissing him

“Yah! You—” He cutted his words when he suddenly smirked making me feel uncomfortable

“No allowance for one month!” He smirked before looking at Ji-hyun which were already mouth opened looking at him surprised, I also looked at him

“What?!! That's unfair!! I'm just telling the truth!!” Ji-hyun whined looking at him with a disappointed look which I find great

“No! I already said, no allowance for one month!” He strictly said acting like a real Dad towards her. I giggled for the sce infront of me

“Daaadd!! That's unfair!! Mom, help me!!” She suddenly looked at me with pleading eyes. Yah! She's so adorable

I looked at the jerk infront of me before smirking. Well, you're not the only parent here!

“Don't worry I'll still give you your allowance, Just ignore that jerk” I said before looking at him which were mouth already grinning

“Yah! Lalisa Monoban, you won't do that!” He treated with a glaring eyes. Hah! As if I was scared!

“Excuse me! I'm the mother!” I exclaimed looking at him with a teasing look. He clenched his jaw

“But I'm the father!” I fired back

“I gave birth!” I answered again not backing out at the argrument between us

“I work for money!” He answered back already fuming in anger. I smirked

“I don't care!” I gritted my teeth. We already heard some giggles coming from the two children besides us, happily watching their parents arguing. What the heck?!

“Yah, yah stop it! Don't fight!” Ji-hyun said giggling happily looking at the both of us. We looked at her seriously

“God, you're both we're already grown ups but you still act like kids! Geez” She said looking at us happily deadpanned the both of us

“Whatever! I'm still better than her!” Jungkook rolled his eyes before standing up from his seat before leaving us looking so pissed off

Ji-hyun and I looked at each other before giggling at the sign of victory

Once Upon A Dream || LISKOOK AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن