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Lisa's POV

Walking through the city confidently wearing those clothes made everyone look at me

I smirked at the person who's looking at me certainly. Yah! I'm already 38 years old!

I continued walking towards the streets wandering around. Seoul had been more successful than before, huge buildings were everywhere, here and there. Many people were also here buying stuffs for themselves while others were just talking to each other happily

As I reached my destination, I quickly entered the store looking for some clothes to buy. Nah, I won't ever wear those stupid clothes in the closet!

As I entered the store the guard greeted me happily with a smile on his face, I can't help but also smile and bow to him and head towards the women's section

Walking around seeing different types of clothes, there were blouses, dresses, shirts, Turtlenecks, off shoulders, jeans, skirts, and more making my eyes sparkle

The designs were kinda different from what I always see. Revolution maybe

I took several clothes in the rack with a happy smile plastered on my beautiful face, LOL

As I were already satisfied with the amount of clothes that I've already bought, I walked through the counter to pay

“That would be $25,675 ma'am” She said and I bowed my head before searching for my wallet, but I was shocked when I got nothing. Shit!

I removed my jacket to search but found nothing making me frown

“Ma'am, don't you have money to pay?” The cashier asked me making me bit my lower lip due to frustration. Damn it! I forgot that I don't have money! Yah Lalisa you're doomed!

“Ma'am please pay already, there are people waiting” She said making me flinch, I look backwards seeing a line of people waiting to pay after me, I smiled awkwardly to them

“Miss, If you can't—” Before she could even finish, a hand suddenly held up infront of her making me look, It's a man wearing shades and cap making me frown

“Sorry about my girlfriend, here” He suddenly payed for me making me gasp

“H-hey” I tried to stop him but I was already late for the cashier already gave him a paper bag where the clothes were

“Here” He gave me the paper bag with a beautiful boxy smile on his lips. Wait! I think I know him!

“Y-you don't have to. I'll just—” He didn't let me finish when he placed his index finger on my lips stopping me from talking

“It's fine, take it” He said and hand me the paper bag

“Excuse me! There are people behind you!” A woman suddenly interrupted making me look back, then I realized that there are several people waiting for us to leave

I shilly move away for them before looking back to the uncertain man behind me which were still smiling

“Ah Sir, would you mind if I ask?” I asked him and he just hummed in response

“W-who are you? Why did you payed those for me?” I asked awkwardly. I know talking to a stranger is highly dangerous but I felt different trough this man

“Psh! It's just years when we broke up, and now you already forgotten me? Wow” He held his chest as if he was hurt. What did he said? We? Broke up? 18 ago?

I furrowed my eyebrows being clueless for what he was saying. I don't seriously know who he is

“Yah! Lalisa Manoban, don't act like you already forgotten me!” He pouted making me groan in frustration

“But I don't seriously know who the hell are you! Can't you just be straightforward and tell me your name?!” I seriously said to him and he just breathed heavily before removing his shades making me gasp

Holly Shit! No way!

“Baby, You forgotten me already” Holly Shit! Kim Taehyung?!

“Y-you?!” My breath hitched seeing him in this case, he got more handsome and attractive than before making me almost faint. I'm seeing a real Visual Goddess infront of me right now!

“Yah! Stop acting all innocent Lisa! It's me your Taeger” He pouted making my heart flutter, Am I seriously dreaming

“T-Taehyung?” I stuttered looking to his perfect features. I can't believe I'm seeing him in his 39 years age. Is he growing backwards?!

“Thank God! I thought you forgotten” He giggled before pinching my cheeks gently

He let go of my cheeks before flushing his boxy smile at me. Now I know why does he seemed to be familiar! He's Kim Taehyung the Schools' Crush, My first Love

“Nice to see you around here Lalice” He said

“Y-yeah nice to see you” I answered feeling my cheeks beeing hot. I bet my face is all red like tomato right now!

“How's life after break-up” He's expression suddenly changed making me curious

“What break-up?” I asked cluelessly

“Aww.... Baby, we broke up after my graduation because you said you don't love me anymore. Did you forget about it?” He asked making me gasp

“W-wait! You mean we got into a relationship but it didn't last long because I said I don't love you anymore?!” I asked surprisingly. I was really shocked hearing those things, being with him was one of my dreams because he's my first love

But hearing that we got into a relationship making me go crazy

But the thought that I broke up with him making me feel stupid. I would never do that!

“Yup” He nodded his head. The fuck?!

“Wait! I would never do that! You're my first love! How would I say that I don't love you?!” I asked making him chuckle. What the heck?!

“You're cute Lisa. But don't forget that you said that you love Jungkook” He answered back making my jaw drop

“What?! I broke up with you because of that jerk?!” I felt horrible imagining that I picked that asshole than this Goddess, my first love!

“Psh! Don't play dumb Lalice, Why do you keep on asking me questions? Aren't you the one who wanted to broke up?” He seriously said making me gulp. Am I too obvious? Shoot!

“S-sorry, I'm just taken aback remembering those memories” I bowed my head to apologize and head back to look at him

“It's fine. Hey wanna coffee with me? My treat” He said and I nodded quickly, no way I wouldn't accept his offer!

He smiled before walking outside the shop and I just followed him with a huge smile on my face while holding the paper bag on my hand

Once Upon A Dream || LISKOOK AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora