Chapter 1 - Drunk

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I continue to stumble down the busy street between other drunken bodies trying to find the next club or bar. I accidentally bump into a few people along the way while trying to keep myself upright.

Finally I spy a club that was still open. I spot the bouncer out the front of the club and before he sees me I duck out of sight to compose myself leaning against a wall.

"Okay, I'm not's really drunk." I tried to say out loud without slurring my words.

"I've only had one," I stopped to hiccup. "Maybe two drinks." I said out loud trying to sound convincing. "Shit, maybe as a last resort I should just....." I said unbuttoning my shirt so that my cleavage was on display.

I had literally come straight from work so I was wearing a shortsleeved white button up shirt luckily with a super cute black lace bra underneath that you could now just see and a short black pencil skirt barely leaving anything to the imagination. I didn't usually wear stockings to work but I had for whatever reason decided to today and they were thigh high being held up by a pair of suspenders also visible due the short skirt. I did however change into some black heels to complete the look, I usually wore flats at work. Yes , this slutty outfit was my work uniform ... I'll tell you more about that later.

I pushed myself off the wall and stumbled my way over to the entry line and queued behind some other young girls. One of them turned around looking me up and down before giving me wink.

I blushed and tried to look away from her as the line continued to move forward. Finally it was my turn.

"Okay, can I see some ID?" The bouncer said holding out his hand.

"Oh sure," I said handing him some ID. "I'm 20 but I guess I do look kindaaaa young, ya know." Omg stop talking.

"Sure," he said scanning it and handing it back opening the door to let me in.

"Oh wow your actually letting me in?" I asked in shock.

Why the fuck did I just ask that.

"Yeah, why shouldn't I?" He said giving me an odd look.

"No reason, thanks." I said skipping in before he could tell me otherwise.

The club was dark and the music was loud. I walk straight to the bar to get a drink. This place was packed with mostly men and it was only when I sat down at a stool at the bar that I realised where I was.

"Oh this is a strip club." I said looking around at the half naked girls dancing on tables and the stage at the front. "Ehh, I'll take what I can get." I said out loud turning back to the bar.

As the night continued on more people appeared to come in when an older guy in a suit sat on the stool next to me. He looked over to me as I took the last shot I had in a line up and slammed the glass back down on the bar table.

"Wow someone's having a good night." He said turning over to me.

At this point I was pretty sloshed. I ignored the man not actually even hearing him and look sadly at the 5 empty shot glasses in front of me swaying slowly in my seat. I fumble with my purse to try and find my credit card when the man next to me grabs my hand. This gave me a fright and I jumped in my chair.

"Watccchouut man, thatssss my wallllet!" I said slowly trying to focus my eyes on him.

He chuckled and let me go quickly. "Oh sorry babe, I meant no harm just wanted to ask if I could buy you another drink." He said looking at the empty glasses in front of me.

He didn't seem to be drunk or as drunk as I was but hey... a free drink is a free drink.

I move my head back still trying to focus my eyes on him having no luck. "I guess so." I said putting my wallet away.

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