I sighed and started the engine. As I was driving through the driveway I saw a man standing the opposite side of road, looking at our house. I stopped the car, got out and walked towards him. He might be in him mid thirties, skinhead, tattooed. He wore leather jacket, black t-shirt and jeans, black combat boots.

As he saw me I raised an eyebrow. "G sent me here, it's yours." he said as he gave me a roll of bundle. Cash. I checked the time, it was past 8.

"I told him to leave it at door" I said. "I was about to, but some other girl was leaving, thought I'd wait here instead of getting caught" he said "did she see you?" I asked. He shook his head.  "Now leave before anyone sees you with me" I said to him and walked towards my car. I opened it and kept the money safely in hidden compartment.

"Hey Alex!" I heard a familiar voice. Gimme a break!

I turned around and saw that man wasn't there. I thank the god for not letting her see him.

"Hey Octavia" I fake smiled at her. I was already tired mentally, don't need her tiring me out.

She looked up and down, checking me out. A tiny of red were on her cheeks.

"Where are you going?" She asked. I raised my eyebrow at her. " I was going to club" I answered anyway.

"Aren't you underage for going to club?" She asked. I wonder what she thought my age was.

"Are you gonna complain to my mom" I asked. "Only if you are me there too" she smiled

"Get in the car" I said to her. She smile happily and sat inside my car.

"Why are you going there this early?" I asked. "Rick and I had a fight so needed a break" she said. "So he cheated on you again" I said out loud without thinking.

She looked at me suspiciously, "how do you know". I shrugged "I'm really good at judging people" I said. She hummed at response

She looked at front as I started driving. "I just don't know how to leave him, we've been together for 4 years, our parents want us to marry. They don't know about his cheating habits." She said suddenly

Parents forcing to marry, tell me about it. I sighed.

"Do you love him?" I asked her. "No, not anymore, he isn't what I thought he'd be" she admitted.

I nodded. "You know life partner is someone you spend the whole life with. It's in the word. That's why people date, like you browse the store, try clothes and take home for forever when you find the one. So dating is browsing." She chuckled. I smiled at that. We stop at red light.

I turned to her "If you parents like him, ask them to marry him, not you" I added. She laughed, she literally laughed. Her laugh was contagious.

I looked at her, she was really gorgeous. I looked at her lips, they were so inviting. A horn pulled me out of my trance, I looked up and saw it was green light now. I started driving.

"You know you're right, I knew you were different but you're different beyond my expectations." She said as she smiled now.

"Good different or bad different?" I asked playfully.

"Definitely good" she said

We reached the club. I parked the car and we both got out. I took my phone and texted mom that I'd be home late tonight. I put my phone in silent.

"Wait, How'd you go inside?" Octavia asked pointing at the bouncer at the entrance.

"Just come and enjoy darling" I said winking at her. She blushed a little.

We waited in line for few minutes, it wasn't that long since it was outside the town.

"Id?" The bouncer asked. I have him my fake Id and he let me inside following Octavia.

"I don't know why I didn't guess that one" Octavia said amusedly.

"Ah, c'mon let's go" I said walking towards the bar counter. We both sat. A male waiter was there. "What can I get you for ladies?"

"Tequila shots til we ask you to stop" I ordered him. He nodded. He brought the shots.

We took each shots and clink the glass. "Here's to fucking up your life for parents" I said thinking about the engagement

"hear hear" Octavia said.

I looked around, music was blasting loudly. People dancing on the floor, we grinding into each other, other making out at the corner.

"So you single?" Octavia asked me straightforward.

I looked at her "Yeah" I replied. She nodded

We drank and talked about ridiculous stuff for hours. She's a chatter box when she's drunk. I had about 10 shots. Octavia was drunk when she reached her 5th one. I was tipsy, not drunk.

Suddenly Octavia stood up and grabbed my hand. "C'mon, let's danceee!!!", she shouted moving her body. I got up and went with her as she pulled me by my hand.

We were in the middle of dance floor, dancing. I'm not really a fan of dancing. Octavia kept her hand around my neck,  took my hand and placed it on her waist.

I was not sure if that's a good idea cause she was literally my teacher! She'll kill and bury me if she find out I'm her student

We were still dancing, she pulled me closer. Our nose were touching, I felt her breath on my lips. I looked at her lips and saw her doing the same.

My heart started to race. I'm used to this but not with my freaking hot teacher.

"Octavia, I don't thi--" before I finish, she captured my lips with hers. I immediately kissed her back, pulling her closer by her waist. I nibbled her lips and she let out a moan, that turned me on more. I took that change and slipped my tongue inside her mouth. She tasted like tequila. I bet I tasted the same.

I pulled away for air and looked in her eyes. Lust. That's all I can see.

She wasn't just my teacher but my neighbor too. I don't want things to get awkward. I don't wanna lead her on cause nothing can really happen between us. My unannounced engagement made things more complicated too.

Sleeping with her wasn't worth it.

I took a step back. Her face showed confusion.

"C'mon, let's get you home. She looked at me, searching for something, then she nodded.

We walked out and made our way towards my car. I was sober enough to drive.

I helped her getting inside the car cause she was still drunk. I started driving and saw she was asleep peacefully. I smiled at the sight. She looked so cute.

We reached our neighborhood. I parked the car in front of Octavia's house. I woke her up and she was so sleepy and confused, I almost laughed at her.

I took out her keys from the purse and opened the gate. I carried her in bridal style and dropped her at couch. I kept some medicine for hangover and a glass of water beside her on the table.

I left her house and parked my car in garage and went upstairs to my room.

I took out the roll of money and dropped in the jar where I kept the illegal money.

I then changed my clothes and crashed on my bed.

I loved the kiss. I wish I could do more but couldn't. She deserve more though, I wish I could love her.

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