"Mount your brooms please" Madam Hooch says.

Celeste got onto her Cleansweep as her hand held the handle tightly.

The whistle blew and everyone shot up to the sky, Celeste quickly grabbed the quaffle before the Slytherin could and flew straight to the hoop

"And the Quaffle, instantly grabbed by the new Chaser, Celeste Potter. Look how fast she's going" Lee Jordan, the game commentated

Celeste ducked down and swerved to the side before passing the quaffle to Angelina and zooming closer to the hoop, Angelina threw the quaffle back at her once a Slytherin Chaser was coming her way and Celeste grabbed it and flew up missing a bludger and scoring the first goal.

"AND SHE SCORED! Slytherin better watch out, she's fast enough to be a Seeker"

Celeste heard the cheers and she felt her smile widening up until her eyes. The quaffle was then earned by one of the Slytherin chasers.

Celeste ducked down before swerving back up and to the side, missing two chasers who looked like they were going to tackle her.

She saw Alicia get the quaffle and Celeste quickly tried to block one of the chasers from getting to her. The angered Slytherin rammed straight at her but she dropped down and instead had Fred hit the bludger right at the guy's head.

'Chaser Potter almost got rammed by Pucey before one of the Weasleys- can't tell which smacked him straigh in the face with a bludger'

Celeste quickly made her way over to her hoop and quickly zoomed forward, catching the quaffle thrown by Flint and diving down to where she swerved right and threw it to Angelina who scored


The crowd cheered loudly before Celeste saw an angered Marcus Flint zooming at her, he grabbed the bat from one of the beaters and smacked a bludger straight at the girl, it hit her shoulder and she flipped backwards as she heard a sickening crack. 

"Captain Flint has seemed to have gotten the bludger bat and hit Chaser Potter with it, possibly dislocating her shoulder, that foul gi- SORRY PROFESSOR BUT I CAN'T HELP IT' 

"LIKE HELL YOU CAN DO THAT" Ron yelled as Madam Hooch whistled to let the Gryffindor's get a free throw because of this.

"You still up for playing Potter?" She heard Oliver says and Celeste nodded as she ignored the searing pain in her shoulder.

"Here I think this would help" Celeste turns and sees Fred zooming to her before unexpectedly grabbed her shoulder and twisted it slightly giving another crack and a shout of pain from the girl.

"It feels better but a little warning next time?" Celeste yelled as the two had to go and separate.

"No time, to hell with Flint" Fred roars before grabbing his bat and swinging it right to Flint, hitting him right at his back.

Celeste shakes her head, she grabbed the quaffle from one of the Slytherin chasers she didn't bother getting the name of and swerved around and managed to score without passing.

"Chaser Potter was able to score another Gryffindor Goal, take that slimy goa-" Lee Jordan's voice was cut off by Professor McGonagall "Focus!" 

Celeste went past a few bludgers and was flying near the teacher's stand when she spotted Professor Quirrell muttering incantations under his breath and she squinted her eyes at him before she had to fly up since a bludger came at her.

She turned and saw Harry's broom going crazy as if someone jinxed it and her eyebrows furrowed. The twins tried getting him on their brooms but it didn't work as his just flew up and down whenever they tried.

Celeste spotted Marcus Flint off scoring at least 2 goals and she quickly ignored Harry, hoping he'll stay safe and grabbed the quaffle, being chased by Marcus Flint.

2 bludgers came at her in the same time and she ducked down and the two bludgers smacked Flint's side at the same time and Celeste threw the quaffle into the goal before going back to where Harry was as Angelina had her head back in the game.

"Harry what are you doing?!" She shrieked

"It's my broom!" He cried over the wind.

"Bloody hell!" Celeste exclaimed before she spotted Snape's cloak go on fire and Hermione under the stands, she smirked a little before Snape realized his cloak on fire.

The broom turned back to normal and everyone could only watch as Harry dive down and get off his broom.

Celeste quickly dived down after him and stood next to him as he was holding his stomach and throat.

She smacked his back and a snitch came out of his mouth, much to Celeste's surprise.

"I GOT THE SNITCH!" Harry yelled, well he more of swallowed the snitch instead of getting it but nobody cared as the stands erupted in cheers. 

"We won our first match Harry!" Celeste exclaims and she attacked Harry for a hug as the two tumbled on the floor.

"SANDWICH!" Celeste heard George yell before the twins both jumped on the first-years. Celeste winced slightly at her shoulder but she forgot all about the pain as she could feel so happy.

Madam Pomfrey scurried onto the pitch and grabbed Celeste away from the stack.

"You boys better not have made her shoulder worse! God sakes!" She said as she made Celeste drink some liquid potion.

"Now you better not use that should for at least the next few hours, this potion is going to need some time to heal the pain" Madam Pomfrey says and dragged her to the infirmary.

"We'll celebrate later, you better not miss it Morphy or we're going to come after you!" George yelled in cheer.

In the infirimary, Madam Pomfrey had told Celeste that she should wear this sort of shoulder brace to make sure that it doesn't move too much. Thankfully, nobody could see it as it was underneath her clothing.

Celeste made her way to Hagrid's shack where Hermione, Harry and Ron just got in.

Hagrid was brewing some hot tea as Celeste rested near Fang, the dog laid it's head out onto her lap as her fingers made small circles on his back.

"It was Snape," Ron was explaining, "Hermione and I saw him. He was cursing your broomstick, muttering, he wouldn't take his eyes off you."

"Rubbish," Hagrid says "Why would Snape do somethin' like that?"

"I didn't think it was Snape, I though it was Quirrell, he was muttering something under his breath too" Celeste says and everyone looked at her with a funny expression. 

"Quirrell? That man wouldn't even go near a troll without fainting why would e' do that!" Hagrid says and the other three agreed with him as Celeste just sighed.

"I found out something about Snape" he told Hagrid. "He tried to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween. It bit him. We think he was trying to steal whatever it's guarding."

Hagrid had dropped his teapot in Harry's word "How do you know about Fluffy?"

"Fluffy?" Celeste snorted

"Yeah he's mine - bought him off a Greek chappie I met in the pub las' year -- I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the" Hagrid stopped as the four of the kids got closer to him.

"Now, don't ask me anymore," said Hagrid gruffly. "That's top secret, that is."

"But Snape's trying to steal it!" 

"Or Quirrell!"

"Rubbish!" Hagrid says "They're Hogwarts teachers, they be doin' no such thing"

"So why did Snape just try to kill Harry?!" Hermione cried "I know a curse when I see one Hagrid! You have to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking!"

"I'm telling you yer' wrong!" Hagrid snapped "I don' know why Harry's broom acted like that, but Snape or Quirrell wouldn' try an' kill a student! Now, listen to me, all four of yeh -- yer meddlin' in things that don' concern yeh. It's dangerous. You forget that dog, an' you forget what it's guardin', that's between Professor Dumbledore an' Nicolas Flamel --"

"Whose Nicholas Flamel?"

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