Chapter - 10 The Whomping Willow

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"YOU ATTACKED ME! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND, ALBUS!" yelled Severus as he stomped into Albus' office uninvited. Minerva was already in the office, her nose buried in an official-looking parchment. The sudden outburst of a yelling Severus startled her. She let out a little gasp. Albus' reaction was opposite from that of Minerva, a horseplay smile crept over his thin lips as if he was expecting the young Professor to appear with that mood.

" I didn't do anything, my dear Severus, " his plain reply came from behind the table as if no one had yelled or stomped into his office.

" DON'T. LIE. TO. ME. NOW OLD MAN I READ THE MESSAGE YOU SENT, AND WHY THE HELL ON THIS EARTH DID YOU SEND SERAPHINA TO MY CHAMBER? " he asked, calming himself down, but his tone remained the same.

" Oh, that message!" Albus squeaked " I thought maybe you needed a bit of caring after being 'injured'," he continued, the emphasis on the word injured was dipped in heavy sarcasm.

" Oh my God, Severus, are you all right Did you go to Poppy?" Minerva cried in horror interrupting the quarrel between the two Wizards.

" I am fine Minerva! " he snapped at her.

Looking back at Albus, he sneered. " Then who attacked me in the dungeons and how did you know about it? " Severus demanded, his teeth clenching with anger.

" Well, I didn't know about the attacker, but you can say I have some trusted sources who told me about you, " said Albus.

" But why did you send Miss Barclay down? I want to know that more, " said Severus, his tone softened at her name. Albus sensed that.

" Oh, Seraphina? She just happened to cross my path so I gave her the message to deliver it to you, " he lied, both Minerva, Severus and he knew that.

" But then why did you wrote, 'I hope she is a good nurse?' " mimicked Severus.

" Oh did I write something like that? I thought I invited you to my office for tea. I remember that, " Albus lied again. " Well, nice weather outside right?" He continued trying to change the topic.

" Albus, don't try to change the topic now answer Severus' question, " ordered Minerva.

Severus took out the crumpled piece of parchment from his frock coat's pocket passing it to Minerva. She skimmed through it thoroughly and passed Albus a look of disappointment.

" Ok, I sent her to your chamber, " confessed Albus in a defeated tone.

" But why..." snapped Minerva and Severus together.

" You needed some assistance, and I knew you wouldn't have gone to Poppy. So I sent her, " said Albus.

" You could have sent anyone else on this damned earth, Albus. Why did you send a student? " yelled Severus in frustration.

" I agree with Severus, Albus. You could have sent a House-elf for help. What was the need to send a student? " asked Minerva, the disappointed look still on her face.

" Don't ignore the fact that Seraphina is a lot more than just a student for you Severus, " said Albus in a deadly serious tone. The twinkle from his eyes faded. " Your future--her future--depends on both of your relations. I just wanted you both to spend some time with each other in solitude, where you are not her teacher, and she is not your student, because, Severus, if she doesn't feel anything for you, this will end up just like things ended up between Lily and you. She will find someone else, and you will be left all alone, all of this being in vain, and I fear this wouldn't end up good for you this time because of the curse, " he continued with sincerity. Every word he spoke was true.

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