Chapter - 22 Happily Ever After?

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The flames of the candles flickered as the light breeze entered through the open window, threatening to extinguish their small existence, but the flames refused to let go of their essence, just like the lady currently occupying the room refused to let go of her happiness at any cost. Books, wrapped gifts, bouquets, wine bottles, all strewn across the room in a shambolic manner, but it didn't bother her. The dimly lit chamber lay tranquil as Seraphina stood by the wooden window pane, intently gazing at the vast, majestic landscape stretching itself to the horizon. The green reflective panorama,  of the landscape, glowed brighter in the strengthening light, spreading over the ground, singing a sweet lullaby in sweet nostalgic hues. The noise of distant chattering, laughs and shouting kept filling her ears, but the lady gave no importance to it, enjoying the present moment as much as her soul could. 

Thirteen years had passed ever since the witch had been informed about the curse never existing by her mother in the Forest of Death. Seraphina had blossomed into a proud woman of 30 in the years that followed. Long gone were the days when she used to work for the Ministry, she left them ten years ago to carry her studies in the Muggle world. Seraphina Barclay was now a criminologist and that too a renowned one in the business. Severus Snape respected and supported her decision, which made it easy for her to leave the wizarding world behind her. She spent countless hours working on solving the intriguing murder and crime cases which were capable of capture her vigorous mind as Severus had suggested. He too had started working part-time in the Ministry, balancing his teaching job and Ministry duties effortlessly. 

Upon her finger shone a simple wedding band, an elegant platinum thing. The shimmering metal curved as three strands woven, almost as if they had grown together over time. An unintentional smile made its way to her lips at the sight of the ring. She was getting married today. It wasn't the Professor Severus Snape to whom she was getting married to, she was going to speak her vows to the man she had fallen in love with from the depth of her heart and not because of an obligation to a curse. 

The witch was marrying a man who had been her friend for the past thirteen years, who had stood by her side holding her hand at every rough turn of life. He wasn't the man she had spent time with at Hogwarts, he was a man she had fallen in love with within the real world, away from any obligation bounding her. Her groom was an honourable man who never feared to express his love for her. Everything about him was a soft and understated joy. He cared for her more than anything else in the world. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon her own.

The reminiscence of the beautiful moments she had spent with him kept coming to her ever since the sun had kissed her forehead, breaking her slumber, leaving her smiling idyllically. Some memories brought laughter while others made her appreciate her life by gifting her with a person like her groom. 

Seraphina still had the reminisce of how they used to meet on weekends and how sometimes he would surprise her by waiting outside her office building on weekdays, walking her home, their hands entwined with one another. The memory of her 25th birthday was still fresh to her when she had appeared at work as usual only to find him already there waiting for her by the stairs, conversing with Officer Sutcliffe, her senior. He had taken leave on her behalf to celebrate her birthday at the Barclay’s Mansion by claiming to her fiance which he wasn't at that moment.

The witch could never forget the night they had gone out to dinner when the most uproarious moment of her life happened. After having spent twelve beautiful years of her life in the company of her dear friend, falling in love with him even more with every passing moment, the witch resolved to propose to him. It was an enthralling fall evening, and the Witch had already bought a ring to the proposal, finding it prudent to ask him to be her life partner. 

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