Chapter - 6 The Potions Class

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Seraphina was discharged from the hospital the next morning as Poppy had promised. She hurried straight towards the Great Hall with Lucifer and Elenore because they were late. As she stepped into the hall, she felt everyone's eyes on her. But their gazes carried profuse types of expressions. She felt the burden of anguished stares coming from the Gryffindor table. The sympathetic looks from the Head Table made her twinge. Settling comfortably at the Ravenclaw table, the three were about to begin stuffing their mouths with the exquisite dishes displayed on the table when a cheerful voice came from behind Seraphina. She turned to see George standing there with a bouquet of foxy flowers.

"How's it going, Seraphina?" he asked in a very cheerful manner.

"I am fine, but you first tell me about you," Seraphina replied, trying to replicate his cheerfulness. Her wounds still throbbed.

"All good... well, I brought you these flowers. I hope you like them, " George smiled as he extended the bouquet in her direction.

"They are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen, George. Thank you very much for them, but where did you get these from? " she asked and gave him a warm smile as she scanned the flowers.

"Oh... Hagrid helped me pick these for you from the forest," he whispered in her ear.

"Oh... That's very sweet of you, George, and I think I need to thank Hagrid sir too for his help, " She chuckled as she pulled George towards her, placing her soft lips on his cheek. George's eyes widened at her kiss.

"Come sit. Have breakfast with us, " She patted the empty seat next to her. He slipped in and started eating and chatting with Seraphina.

Suddenly, Headmaster Dumbledore stood and went towards the podium as professor McGonagall made a clinking sound with her spoon and glass to grab everyone's attention.

"Good morning, everyone, " the Headmaster greeted everyone with a smile, but soon it faded and an austere look came over his face.

"Yesterday a very disheartening episode happened with a  Ravenclaw student. As we all know, a group of Gryffindor students tried to bully a Hufflepuff, and a Ravenclaw student stepped in between to try and break it up, getting injured badly in the process. It disheartens me to see the students of the house famous for their bravery in committing an act like this. And the thing which forlorn me more is the fact that all students stood there enjoying the sight, " The Headmaster's tone was staid, causing an eerie silence to be cast over the Great Hall.

" Because of this hideous act from those students, fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor, and for the courageous act of student Seraphina Barclay, Ravenclaw has been awarded seventy points," the Headmaster continued.

The hall broke into applause at the announcement. The noise of shouting and hooting came from the Ravenclaw table, but a disappointing silence took over the Gryffindors. Slytherins were happy too, not because Ravenclaw had received the points but because Gryffindor had lost them. There was a constant rivalry between the two houses, but the reason was quite childish. Although she noticed the Heads of the houses shared a friendly relation, the students didn't.

Seraphina's face flushed red as she blushed furiously.

"You are the best, Seraphina, " George exclaimed while giving her a hug.

"No I am not, I'm sure, " she replied shyly.

Severus listened to Albus' speech, but his eyes were locked on someone sitting at the Ravenclaw table in the arms of the little Hufflepuff. She was out of the hospital now.

How is she feeling now? He thought. He wanted to ask her, but he was afraid of what she would think of his actions if he did.

But knowing the welfare of his own student is not a bad thing, he grumbled in his thoughts.

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