Chapter - 7 The Centaur's Angel

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"I am saying that with due respect, Headmaster, I can't accept this proposal, it would be unfair to others," Seraphina's words filled the awkward silence that took over the Headmaster's office.

"But what's unfair in this, my child?" the Headmaster questioned her.

" Headmaster, I arrived here just two and a half weeks ago; I can't accept the post of Head Girl," Seraphina replied confidently.

" But you must provide me with an appropriate reason for your declining, " the Headmaster asked, his brows knotted.

" Headmaster Dumbledore, there are students who came here as 11 year-olds. They have grown up in these classes. They have known this place as their second home. They have dedicated themselves to their houses and have earned a lot from this castle. I just came here two and a half weeks ago. This place doesn't have a place in my heart yet. My one-act can't supersede the experience and knowledge of students who have studied here from the first day. I simply don't deserve this. And taking the place of the person who deserves it more than me is something I can't do. It's against my integrity," Seraphina answered with a firm grip on her words. Every word came out with utter sincerity and in a discerning manner.

Severus heard her little speech from the corner of the room where he stood with a cup of tea in his hand. The panel of teachers had been called upon for the interview of the students who were selected for the post of Head Girl and Head Boy.

This girl is impossible to understand. She came here two weeks ago, and now she has been given the opportunity to become the Head Girl, yet she is declining it because of her integrity. For Merlin's sake, any student would die for the opportunity, and she simply rejected it, he thought.

He realized that it would take a lot of time for him to understand her. After all, he would have to spend the rest of his life loving her. Would he be able to do so? He wondered.

" Seraphina, my child, you qualify in every criterion for the post with flying marks. You are good at your studies, are well respected among the students, other students look up to you with hope, and teachers are very impressed with your knowledge and class performance. I see no reason for not selecting you, " Albus' words interrupted Severus' train of thought.

" Sir, Emma Bailey is an excellent student, and she fits all your criteria. Plus, she has been a student here from the start. I can say she deserves it more than I do, " Seraphina replied.

The Headmaster let out a sigh. " If you don't want it I shall not force you. But I want you to take up the post of Prefect. Now please don't deny this, " Albus proposed.

"But Headmaster..." Seraphina was about to refuse, but Professor Lockhart interrupted, " Seraphina, Seraphina, Seraphina, I think you should accept the post. After all, you deserve it. Now if you don't want to do it for yourself, then do it for me, "

His words baffled Seraphina.

Why the hell on this Earth would she accept it for him? Why is he always there to intrude on her deep and mature conversations? she growled in her thoughts.

" I think it would be good if you accept it Seraphina. Headmaster Dumbledore is right. You deserve the post, and after all, I don't find anyone half as capable as you in Ravenclaw," Professor Flitwick added, tugging her out of her thoughts.

Turning towards Professor Flitwick, Seraphina's face turned red from blushing. " Professor, there are people better than me, " she replied simply in a silent tone.

"I agree with Professor Flitwick, Seraphina, " Professor McGonagall added.

" Ok, I accept the post, Headmaster Dumbledore, " she replied in a defeated tone.

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