Chapter - 18 The End of the Hogwarts

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" Sectumsempra, " the feeble whisper faded against the gasping of wizards, witches and vampires as Severus pointed his wand towards the attractive face of Lucius Malfoy who still had his canines buried in Seraphina's neck. The outpour of white light flew towards the former Death Eater's face and in a split second, Lucius Malfoy was on the floor, a huge gash covered his handsome face and his stone-cold chest. The witch in red silk fell spontaneously as the vampire let go of his grip on her. There was no strength left in her as the blood mercilessly flowed from the vampire bite. Without a second thought, the Potions Master knelt next to her almost unconscious figure, taking her upper body in his hands, examining the Vampire's bite.

The Minister's security surrounded Malfoy's motionless body.

" Seraphina, stay with me. I promise I won't let anything happen to you," hastily whispered the Professor as he used a healing spell on her, but to his distress, nothing happened. Neither did the bleeding cease nor did the wound concealed itself. Instead, her body's temperature started falling at an alarming rate as her skin grew paler with the passing seconds.
The Opera singer and the host of that night, Typhius, joined Severus on the floor as he stooped in front of the young man. The distressed Potions Master shot him a pleading glance.

" What is happening to her ?" asked Severus in a small voice. His eyes drew back to the Ravenclaw's frantically shivering body.

" She is transmuting into a vampire. He hasn't sucked her blood to kill her, but instead, he has infused vampire venom into her body. In the next seven minutes, she will turn into a blood-sucking creature just like I or she might die if she can't endure the pain, " declared the singer as another round of gasps was heard in the party hall.

" Maybe I can save her, but for that, I need to bite her again so that I can suck out the poison he has infused in her veins, "

" Do whatever you can, but just save her. She doesn't deserve to die like this. Please... " pleaded Severus.

But as the words left his mouth, Typhius' canines were penetrating Seraphina's wound again. The Perfect didn't flinch nor shrieked this time, her body was writhing. After a painstakingly long moment, Typhius let go of Seraphina's body, his mouth covered with her blood. His eyes plead that she would revive.
The colour returned to her body, which wasn't shivering furiously like before. The rise and fall of her chest were weak and almost invisible to the eyes. The young witch looked at peace, just like she seemed in his disturbing nightmare.

" No, no, no, no, don't leave me. Please don't leave me, " Severus kept mumbling imperceptibly.

His heart was racing thunderously. Why wouldn't it? After all, he didn't want to lose Seraphina. Moreover, the witch herself didn't deserve a death like this. She deserved all the happiness the world could grace her with.

" Professor..." a faint voice came to him. At first, it seemed like an illusion to him, but it took him a minute to realize that it was Seraphina.

She was looking at his slender face with half-open eyes. Severus hunched over her, trying to make sense out of her mumbling words.

" Don't... let... Mr Malfoy... escape..." she continued.

The young Professor looked at her with a look of utter admiration because for all the time he had known her, never for once had she thought about herself.

" F...forgive me...I run...ned... the... " Seraphina strained with every word that poured out of her lips.

Severus tenderly placed his fingers on her lips, betokening her to stop straining herself any further. A sad smile crept on his lean face as he caught her apology for ruining their date. The girl was so naive yet so valiant.

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