"You like them?" He asked as he admired her devotedly munching on the cookies he baked.

Selene continued ruminating for a minute before answering, "Don't brag but they are delicious," She complimented.

Keir looked at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Selene scrunched her eyebrows and pointed a finger at him, "No! Don't!"

He smirked flirtatiously and opened his pretty mouth.

"I told you I have good skills in the kitchen," He boasted.

Selene groaned and when his smirk wouldn't fade, it continued to bother her like the joker's smile from the dark knight. She rolled her eyes at him, "What a creep!"

He pouted in response and turned away biting into the cookie silently.

Much better, Selene thought.

"So? What did you do while I was busy?" Selene asked.

Keir pursed his lips and shook his head, "Nothing, just baked."

"Oh! You don't answer the door when you're baking?" Selene bit her lip, giving him a skeptical look.

"Uh-" Keir paused, giving her a confused look.

"I was here at five o'clock," She spoke.

Keir reacted with an, "Oh!"

She narrowed his eyes at him, "Yeah, so where were you?"

"I don't have to tell you anything," He answered with a no answer.

"Oh I think you do," She beat him to it, "If this has anything to do with your jaunt to your shed-" She snapped.

"Were you stalking me?!" Keir gave an incredulous look making her question her sanity.

"What?!" She shrieked in confusion before realising, "So you do admit that you went to that shed!"

Keir shut his mouth, he was caught red handed but soon started defending, "It's my shed. I can go there whenever I want."

"Yeah but only to kill people." She said after him, a silence fell between them. Selene had no idea why she was suddenly bothered that he didn't call her when he went to that shed. She was angry that he probably would have killed someone and didn't think to tell her.

Was this about their deal or something else, she didn't know. Her own confusion was similar to Keir's expression.

She cleared her throat and explained slowly, "Which is when you were supposed to call me."

"I didn't because you were already shaken up by yesterday. I thought I would give you time to relax," Keir answered in a slow, self confused voice but his eyes were clear with concern.

"Like I said multiple times, I'm fine! And it doesn't matter, a deal's a deal," She said, sighing to herself.

"Right!" Keir nodded, gritting his teeth. "The deal, of course!" He scoffed, "Don't worry, your lil' boy Haden is safe from me," He patted her hand, feigning sympathy and stood up from the couch.

He took the plate of cookies and made his way to the kitchen counter.

"That's not what I meant!" Selene said behind him.

"No?" He turned around, challenging her to contradict him but when there was no response from her, "That's what I thought." He had the last say in the conversation and disappeared into the kitchen.

Selene stood up huffing in frustration, clearly it was a mistake coming here. She should have left the first time she came here. But no, she came back at nine in the night and ate his stupid chocolate cookies and wasted time for another hour, just to be tossed off like a trash.

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