SC1: Happy Birthday Kirishima!!!!!!

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Look, I know it's a little late. But since when have I EVER been organised or good with these kinds of things... never.

So yeah, Happy Birthday to the bright ball of sunshine that makes my absolute day when he smiles and makes me want to be a better person from his actions. He's just way too cute to say no to. Anyways, here's my first ever side chapter... I hope you enjoy it.

"Thank you, Narrator, for voicing my written words. It's really appreciated." Joey hugs the narrator before moving on to the others.

Everyone from the lifeguard job where all gathered at Y/n's house, planning and brainstorming ideas for Kirishima's Birthday tomorrow. "Alright! So who's got an idea?!" Charlotte slammed her hands on the coffee table of Y/n's living room. "Well, I'm not one to go to parties, but we could do the cliche surprise party." Joey jumped over the couch and plopped a seat beside Taro.

"You see, I don't know why we have to plan a party for Kiri. I mean, he's not THAT great." Taro whined, folding his arms over his chest and pouted like a three-year-old. "Whatever Taro. Your just an attention seeker and your opinion right now doesn't matter." Joey chuckled, pulling at his cheek. "And Budo, do you mind getting your boyfriend here a lollipop for him to suck on? While us big kids, plan out a surprise party for Kiri!"

"Haha, Joey, your very funny. He's not my boyfriend and sure I'll get that lollipop for you." Budo deadpanned and walked off. "Oh, you'll deny it now," Joey mutters to herself, secretly scheming something. "Anyways, I guess a surprise party wouldn't be all that bad. We just need a place to do it and someone to distract Kirishima while we set up." Charlotte brought back the task at hand.

"Hmm, I guess we could do it at Kirishima's House... then Y/n can go on a little date with Kirishima in order to distract him." Joey suggested, thinking about spying on their distraction 'date.' "Ooo, I like that idea. Y/n, do you think you can do that?" Mina asked, all attention drawing to Y/n, who was just sitting on the floor casually tapping at her phone. She looked up at us all, a pink blush tinting her cheeks. "Sorry, what? You want me... to g-go on a date with him?!"

"I mean, you both have been a couple for some time now. And it would be cute to go on a birthday date, on his birthday." Joey explained, walking over to Y/n and taking a seat beside her. "I mean, you do want him to have a good birthday, right?" Joey looked into Y/n's eyes intensely, observing her fully.

"Y-Yeah, I mean of course I do. He basically means the world to me. But, you see I've never really been on a date before." (Please, if you've been on a date before, I'd love to hear your experiences or stories. Being the 'anime boys only' girl I am, I haven't experienced such a luxury.) Y/n sweatdropped, looking down from everyone's gaze.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. You two have been a couple for a week or so, I'm sure your date will go smoothly." Mina reassured, giving Y/n a playful nudge. "Just act like yourself on this date, and you'll be fiiine." Joey also reassured Y/n. "Besides, you don't have to do the boring stuff, of prep work." Y/n sat there in thought for a moment. "Okay, I'll do it." She smiled widely, her features practically glowing.

"Okay, it's settled then. We'll throw Kirishima a surprise party!!" Joey jumped up from her spot beside Y/n, earning an agreeing nod from everyone else. "Uh Uh Uh, Joey you have to promise me that you will not go missing and end up spying on their little 'date', am I clear?" Ely narrowed his eyes at Joey, her while body deflating as she groaned. "Crystal clear..."

~Time Skip Brought to you by: Happy Birthday to Kiri!! 🎶~

Y/n had texted Kirishima to meet up with her at the amusement park. As she stated in the text that she wanted to 'spend more time' with him. It was currently 1:28 pm. Y/n waited at the large arch, with the words 'Entrance' engraved over the highest point. She had only just arrived since they planned on meeting up at 1:30 am.

Lifeguard Kirishima x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now