Chapter 33

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Kirishima's POV
We walk inside an arcade from a mall that was not too far away from work. We are welcomed by rows and rows of machines and games. Small groups of children, teens or just customers, in general, were gathered around different gaming machines. It was your basic retro-styled arcade.

"Soooo, how're things with you and Y/n? You two dating yet?" Denki wiggled his eyebrows and gave me a goofy grin. I hesitantly looked over at Taro, not wanting to die and all. But he gave off a mad or annoyed vibe, as he glared right through me. "U-Uh... t-that's not-we're not dat-" "Ahaha! Don't worry about this irrelevant guy, you like her and we totally ship it." Budo comes from behind Denki, flashing me a relaxed smile and wraps an arm around Taro, causing Taro to twitch and glare at his best friend. "Huh!! WHO SAID I SHIPPED THEM TOO??!!" He yelled, throwing his arms around in the air.

The four of us has just received our tokens and are just roaming around the many arcade machines that filled the room. Taro's attention was grasped by a particular one, one that he was now rambling on about. "Oooo!! I hear that at the end of this one, the boss is a double-headed bulldog, that spits fireballs!! I mean how cool is that!!" (Idk 🤷‍♀️ let the boy be 😑)

His eyes glisten as he joyfully approached the said machine. Budo joins him and he too walks over to the machine and leans on it watching the 18-year-old teen weed out about the game.

"You've got to tell her sometime soon."

Denki sighed as he leaned on one of the machines. I sat on an available chair nearby and exhaled, throwing my head back and massaging my temple. "I know, but every time I try... I just-Argh!" I complain as Taro starts to bash at the buttons of the machine, an eager and determined look on his face. He looked like a child, with a spark of excitement in his eyes and a kiddy grin dancing on his lips.

"Argh!! Die, die, DIIIIIEEEEEE!!" (Sounds like a familiar Pomeranian 😑) Taro screamed at the machine screen, constantly fiddling with the joystick and abusing the buttons.

Budo shifts his attention from the struggling 'two-year-old' and onto the complaining teen. "Well, have you tried talking to her alone?" The silver-haired guy, looked down at me crossing his arms over his chest. I only groaned and gritted my teeth with frustration, "Yeaaaaah. I mean I have terrible timing!! As soon as Y/n and I are alone, we're immediately interrupted by someone!!" (Oh really?! I didn't know! 🤔)

The two men that were just staring at me were silent for a while. The only sound heard was of bashed up buttons and soft mutters, from Taro. The silence of three and a half men just thinking, mustering a plan to help me out.

"Well, the party's coming up so... why not ask her then?"

Taro suggests, breaking the silence between the four. He gives the buttons a couple more taps before sighing in frustration and backing away from the machine, glancing over at me.

"Oh? Does the tsundere older brother, FINALLY have an interest to a guy that Y/n can date?" Budo nudges his friend, a tick mark growing of Taro's head. "No!" He yells, before lowering his head, "Well... yea. I mean, I've kinda seen the way you treat my little N/n... and if I'm gonna hand my lil' sis over to any guy..." His gaze looking back up at me, a genuine and honest smile tugging at his lips. "I know you love her dearly and just know you'd treat her right," Taro confessed, shrugging his arms to either side of him. 

"Aww! I'm happy that you're finally letting go, Taro!" Budo slings his arm around his friend, a proud and playful look on his face. "Thank you Taro, I'll definitely look after Y/n. I do love her after all." I smile back, as he just sighs. "I knew you'd say that." "Aye! But how come I can't get with her, I can treat her right too!" Denki complained, his cheeks puffed and a small pout was all the blonde did as a defence, he just looked like a child.

"Ha! And why would I let that happen?! I'd obviously pick Kiri over you any day, Denki." Taro smirked towards the blonde-haired boy and glared at him playfully. "Not fair!! See if I ever charge your phone again." Denki protested, returning a glare back.

The two continuously start to bicker back and forth as to why Denki should or shouldn't date Y/n. As for Budo and I just watched with knowing looks, joyfully watching the two argue. "Well, I guess that settles it. You will confess to Y/n at the party!" Budo Mudgee my shoulder and gives me a softened look, "Take good care of her though, okay?" With that, I give him a stern nod and continue to watch the two bickerings.

"And Taro... how'd you know Kiri takes great care of Y/n when you hardly see the two together?" Budo asks, breaking the argument between the two. "Oh! In my coma, you know I can still hear things too!"


Y/n's POV
I slump onto the lounge and flick through the channels, just to see if there is anything entertaining for me to watch. Kirishima had just finished his shower and was expected to come out any minute now. I just stared at the screen with a blank and emotionless expression, all just out of boredom.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps echo in the hallway and shift my attention to the door frame and begin to admire the freshly washed redhead before me. He wore a simple white t-shirt and some black shorts to match, his towel still wrapped around his neck and his hair still deflated and wet.

"Hey, um are you... are you going to the party tomorrow?"

Ooooooo!! Boi do I have something in store for YOU ALL!! I'm super excited and can't wait!! Anyways, I've got a lot of assessments and I'm FREAKING OUT!! Besides that, I hope you all have a good day or night 😘

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