Chapter 28

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Sooo... I have a feeling that something interesting may occur 🥴. I'm ready to share this all with you and I hope you all enjoy 😘


"Umm... I... I li-" "Hey Miss!! Do you mind kicking us our ball back?" A child interrupted Kirishima, yelling over to me. I get up and walk over to the ball, tossing it over to the little boy and his friends. "Thanks!" They chip back. I take my spot back next to Kirishima and apologise for the interruption.

"U-Uh, you know what. It's not all that important... maybe another day." Kirishima oddly waved it off and looked back at his lap. "Oh, okay. But know that I'm here if you need anything." I place a hand on Kirishima's and smile at his tilting my head to the side. A small and light pink dusted my cheeks. "T-Thanks." I lean back after assuring him. "You know, I can't believe it's been about five or six weeks since I first met you. It's insane, how close you are to me as a friend." I sigh, speaking with all seriousness.

"Heh, yeah. I guess it was rather quick, but I mean I learnt a lot about you." He nudged my side and showed off his goofy shark grin. "Anyways, I'm really glad I met you... should we continue walking?" I ask, stretching my arms over the top of my head. "Sure."

~Time Skip Brought to you by: Watermelon 🍉? Rockmelon? Or Honeydew 🍈?~

We continue to walk, but not too far we come across a large crowd surrounding a group of musicians playing 'Savage Love' by Jason Derulo. The singer was exceptional and his voice was amazing, the band was on point and the song sounded great. Some people danced in the space in front of them and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Children danced with their friends and family, while other groups danced on their own doing their own thing. Kids on the side were doing the Tic Tok dance to it, as others recorded the moment with their devices. The song came to an end and the crowd surrounding them cheered.

Kirishima and I stood there watching and applauded with the crowd as we decided to stay and enjoy the show. "So, um... the last song today, we'll be performing is 'Somebody to You' by Banners. We hope you all enjoy it." The male singer announced aloud nodding off to his friends.

More pairs join in ready to dance with their partners, most seemed like friends, some like siblings but most were couples who dragged their partners in.

(Italics = Singer)

I don't wanna die or fade away,
I just wanna be someone,
I just wanna be someone,

I mumbled the words knowing the song by heart. I felt a pair of eyes watching me and look over to Kirishima, who was staring at me softly. I look down to the ground and felt my blush creep up in embarrassment. "Hey, Y/n?" I look up at him, covering most of my face with my hand. "D-do you wanna dance with me?" He showed his goofy smile and out-stretched his hand for me.

"I-I'm not a great dancer," I stated. "Just come. It'll be fun." He smiled and pulled me in, manoeuvring us to the middle so not many people could see us. I let out a small laugh, as we make it to the middle and didn't really know what to do. I gave in and decided to give it a go. I helped positioned him and myself, stepping close to him and placing my left hand on his shoulder and my right entwined with his hand, and placing his other hand resting at the top of my hip.

We both let out a small chuckle and begin to sway at the sound of the music.

And if you feel the great dividing,
I wanna be, the one your guiding,
Cause I believe, that you can lead the way,
I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
Just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I never had anybody and any road home,
I wanna be somebody to someone,

Soon we began adding little things like twirling each other or just holding hands and dancing around. I started to feel more comfortable with my surroundings and didn't care, but to muck up with Kirishima. We constantly laughed and smiled, just enjoying this moment. Seeing his pure happiness and true crackhead form, made my heart flutter.

The king, The kong,
The rise, The fall,
The saviour song above it all,
I just wanna be somebody to you,

We started singing the lyrics to each other as we danced, not caring what we looked like. Kirishima picked me up and twirled me around, still grasping onto me. I place my hands on his shoulders and I look down at his face, gazing into his wonderful eyes, a joyful smile pulling at my lips and the feeling of cloud nine existing at the moment.

He places me down and our bodies close to each other. His face and my face only mere inches apart. I look up into his eyes once more, a sudden magnetic pull pulls our faces closer slowly closing the gap between us, almost making it nonexistent (Like my ass😑).

The screech of the guitar and applause popped the bubble and stopped us from getting any closer, our senses came back. We both look at each other wide-eyed and pulled away from each other a soon as we could. "S-sorry." We stuttered in unison, looking away from each other and avoiding each other's gaze. 'WE ALMOST KISSED!!!' My mind doing constant 360's just thinking about it.

Kirishima's POV
My heart was still beating hard that it could be heard in my ears. 'We were going to KISS!!' My mind full of screaming and yelling, thoughts clouding up my mind. 'Was she doing it for the moment? Does she like me too? Did I force her on that?' Questions filling up and keeping my mind busy.

"Umm... I think we should be getting home." I suggested, turning my attention to people leaving the dance floor. "S-sure." She started and we started walking back, looking around and looking like we were interested in something.

On our way to the exit, I notice the sun starting to set and go down. "We're we out that late?" I mumbled to myself, admiring the beautiful swirls from the sunset and the clouds around it. *Ringtone* Slowly making our way to the exit in silence, I hear my phone ring. I stop and fish for my phone from inside my bag, and pull it up. Kirishima stops in front of me finally looking at me.

I look at the caller ID and my eyes instantly widened.

Hey again! So yea, I decided to update two in one day... and I'm kinda proud of it. I hope you all enjoyed that and thanks for all your sweet 'Happy Birthday' s, I felt happy reading them, Thank you all. 😘😘
Have a good night or day. ^~^

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