Chapter 24

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So... I'm at school. It's boring and I don't like it T~T Save me!!!


"Y/n? Where are you?!"

The sound of my name caused my eyes to immediately open. I follow the voice of my brother. "Taro?" I was in a dark and dimly lit corridor, I was scared. I looked around scanning as to where the voice could be coming from. A light awoken behind me, showing my dark shadow displayed in front of me. I turn on my heels and face the blinding bright light shining at the end of this dark and sketchy hallway.

My heart raced.

My brother needs me and I have to find him. I know in dramatic movies they say don't go to the light... but, I could hear his voice calling out for me. I walk closer to the glowing white light.
"Y/nnnnnn!!" His voice louder and closer, as I paced myself towards the unknown light. My heart pulling and aching, as I hear Taro call out for me.

I soon quicken my pace, speed walking, jogging and now running towards the light. Adrenaline, coursing through my veins, I need to see my brother. The light was so close now, and with a few steps, I was engulfed by the light. I shield my eyes with my arm, blinking a few times and taking in the scenery. Colours flooding to my vision.

First, the sound of calm crashing waves and loud squawking seagulls filled my ears, slowly beginning to calm my breathing. My surroundings came clear. The sky, a strong and satisfying mix of oranges and soft blues, with rings of fluffy orange, purple and blue clouds swirling together in the skies. Seagulls, flying and gliding along with it, chasing one another then looping around each other.

The ocean, a perfect and beautiful reflection of the vivid and stunning sky, the water continuing to stretch across the horizon. The waves moved on their own, rushing and crashing forward onto the rocky like pillars that rose from the ground. Then soon retreating back to the ocean, before charging onward, continuing it's soft and gentle movement.

The warm sun in the Center of it all. I look down at my feet, the grass was soft and tickled at my toes, as I wiggled them. I gaze upon the rest of the cliff edge, it continued along the coastline, the rocky walls glowing a dark orange and red. This certainly was a change of image, from cold, dark and despair to calm, safe and colourful.


I hear a rustling behind me, causing me to perk up

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I hear a rustling behind me, causing me to perk up. "Y/n!" The familiar male's voice spoke. "Taro!!" A smile pulled on my face as I turned around, only to be quickly fading again. The light brown-haired boy had a smile on his face, but his body was bruised and injured, bandages and blood seeping through them. His smile then grew into a sad smile, his eyes looking gloomy and emotionless.

"Y-you're... not... T-Taro..."

My heart sank, I thought I was going to see my brother. I slowly backed away, raising my hands in a defensive position. I could hear my heart beating, it was ringing in my ears. "Don't be like that. Of course, I am." He stepped forward.

"Where's Taro... Where's Mom and Dad... WHERE'S MY FAMILY!!!" I yelled, my heart racing and my eyes widening. I was freaking out. Suddenly, two figures appeared behind 'Taro' and they shapeshifted into what seemed to be my mom and dad. They too were just as emotionless as 'Taro,' their eye empty and their expressions fake. "We're right here... sweetie." They all said in unison. It creeped me out and I hated it. The three of them started repeating my name, "Y/n. Don't worry, Y/n. We're your family, Y/n."

They were not MY family, I wanted to scream and run away, but my legs and voice wouldn't do as I commanded. They came closer and closer towards me. 'I want MY family!!!' I screamed in my head.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/nnnnn!!"

I jolt awake. 'I-It was just a dream.' I mentally sighed in relief. I rub my eyes until I could fully open them. To my surprise, I see Mina and Kirishima standing beside me, the curtain behind them wide open, letting in the warm morning sun. "Mornin'!" I yawn, stretching my arms over my head and feeling something slips off my back. A large jacket? The two nod, Mina musters a small smile to her lips. I didn't bother to say anything about the jacket, so I pulled over my shoulders again.

I look over to Taro, his eyes still closed and his breathing still stable. I place my hand over his, before greeting, "Morning Bro." A weak smile pulling at the corners of my lips. "How are you feeling?" Mina asked placing a hand on my shoulder. My grip on the jacket tightens, I really don't like talking about stuff like that when I was in situations like these.

"He's feeling pretty past out if you ask me." I muster s small chuckle at my dry joke. Mina's grip tightens, "You know what I meant." Mina's always looking out for me, especially at the hardest times, she's the best friend I could ever ask for. I mean, she even deals with my crackhead bull crap every day, even though she's doing it too.

I shrug my shoulders, "I've had better days, but I'm glad he's okay."  I watch the lines on his heart monitor rise then fall, following his stable heart rate. Kirishima quietly clears his throat. "Well, we both thought that you probably skipped dinner last night, so we brought you breakfast." You could definitely hear a small reassuring smile on his face as he spoke.

I turn to the two and saw Kirishima holding a plastic bag with (favourite pastry or bakery item) inside. A small smile crept on my face at the sight of food, but I was not really feeling it. "Thanks for thinking about me. I'll eat it soon." My voice had a tone of thanks and appreciation.

"No! You're eating it now!" Mina pointed a finger straight at my face. 'Yeah, real lucky to have a bestie like Mina.' Kirishima softly smiles as if encouraging for the same as well. I sighed giving in and taking the bag from Kirishima's hand.

"Well, did the doctors say when he'll be up?" Mina asked. The two had sat down with me and we've talked for the past couple hours, while I was on my third (favourite pastry or bakery item). Since it's a Saturday, some of us didn't have a work shift on that day, so it was fine for them to stay long. An unsure look pulled at the features on my face. "Budo said 'a few days, since he didn't damage his brain,' but we don't know." Mina just simply nodded and smiled. I was surprised to not see Mina squealing over Budo for once. It scares me.

*Your Ringtone* Suddenly, my phone rang and I pulled it out my pocket excusing myself out of the room. I take a look at the caller ID and my eyes widen. "Mom?"

I immediately press the green answer button and pull the phone up to my ear. "Hello? Mom?" I ask frantically. "U-um... yes sweetie?" The female's voice had a confused tone lingering in it. My heart skipped a beat, I was hearing the voice of my one and only mother. I let out a sigh. "Mom, how are you?" I ask my tone becoming steady.

"Is everything okay? You sound stressed or anxious." Her voice sounded concerned. In my mind, I was constantly deciding on whether to tell them about Taro and they come home immediately, jeopardising their mission. Or not telling them and they continue their mission without knowing. 'What should I do?'

I don't think that dream made sense, but when did anything make sense in this book? I mean NOTHING DOES!! Anyways, my school is coming back and hopefully, I post more than before. I find that lately, I have been in the zone when it comes to writing chapters for you all, anyways cya soon!! 😁

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