Chapter 3

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Hello!! How are you?! This time I might use different POV's (maybe) I should have done it in the beginning but... I'm that dumb I forgot to do that!! Short chapter today! Sorry! Enjoy!!


You shoot him a small smile and wave, "Hello." Kirishima soon spoke with a cute grin showing his shark-like teeth, "Hello Taro and Y/n! I'm Kirishima Eijirou, thanks for welcoming me into your home!" You slightly blush at his cute grin, 'How can someone have that much of a cute damn grin!! Wait what am I saying?'

Kirishima soon takes a seat between to Sero and Budo, your eyes somehow have a mind of their own and follow his every move he takes. After he sat down and was chatting with the others, you quickly bring your focus back to your phone, before anyone noticed and decided to talk to Mina.

Friend Chatroom😁

You: Hey Mi! Can I talk cause Taro's friends are over and I'm bored 😐 He has this new friend over, he has a cute smile?

That Bish: Oooo! Do I hear you developing feelings for a guy?! 😏 Details, please!! Name! Age! Height!

You: No! He just has a cute smile that's all! 🙄 His name's Kirishima Eijirou, I think he's our age, height... almost Taro's height... so ruffly about 6 foot.

That Bish: Oooooo!! Fine!! Is Budo there?

You: Yes!😒

That Bish: Aw! Not fair!!😖

You: Don't worry nothing is happening. So far so... dandy I'm kinda relived that your not hear cause you'll make him feel uncomfortable again, with your flirty personality.

That Bish: Meanie!!😫

That's when Taro stood up, which got everyone in the rooms attention, even yours, Taro spoke in excitement "Alright! Should we go to that cool movie we planned on watching today?!" You shot up "What! What movie?! Without MOI?" Taro chuckles, "Well, this place we're going to, is having a one-night showing of (Favourite Movie)!" Kiri's crimson red eyes gleamed, "We're watching THAT movie?! That's my favourite one! I didn't know we were gonna watch that! I'm such a fan."

Denki soon joined the conversation, "Taro knew Y/n liked this movie too! So he picked it just to tick Y/n off!" You pouted and crossed your arms over your chest, which caught a red head's attention, he giggled slightly and you notice then avoid eye contact. "At least let me come with!! Please!" You whine and beg. Budo threw his arm around you and agreed, "Come on Taro! Let the little kid come too!" You nodded proudly, "Yeah you should listen to Bud- Wait I'm not a kid!! I'm 16 like Denki, Sero and I think Kirishima?!"

Budo giggled, "I know it's just funny." That's when dad walked in and leaned on the door frame, "What's this I hear about a 16-year-old female going to a movie when she should be studying!" You fall back on the couch, roll your eyes and groaned, "Argh! Come on, dad!!" You see a smirk grow on your evil dad's face. "You know that you have to still have to do your homework! I know it's only a week until the holidays but..." You roll your eyes and drag yourself upstairs to your room.

"Alright see you soon Y/n! We should get going guys. So we can get there early." All the boys begin to follow Taro out the door. You groan your way upstairs, when Kirishima yells, "Goodbye Y/n! It was nice meeting you." You turn to face the voice and see the redheads cute kind smile, you waved goodbye and shot him a small smile back.

The door slammed closed and your dad walked in front of the door, giving you a teasing smirk. "Now go do your homework!" He smiles and points upstairs. You whine and stomp your way upstairs. 'Why can't I go!! I can rush all my homework before class!' You reach your bedroom door, you grab your Bluetooth speaker and started playing (favourite song) on full blast with your door closed.

'Argh! That's so not fair! Well, at least I met that Kirishima guy... Hum. I wonder what other things he might like? WAIT WHAT?' You soon shock your head to get those stupid thoughts out of your head. "Come on Y/n get yourself together!" You fall onto your bed and decided that you might just need some sleep that's all.

~Time skip to the end of the week brought to you by:... Yourself reading this garbage!!~

You stared out your classroom window as the class proceeded as usual. 'It's been some year! Sigh can't wait for the end of today!' You feel a buzzing vibration come from your pocket we're your phone had been.

~To be Continued~

Lifeguard Kirishima x Female ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ