When bad guys run, we chase them

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"Seems extreme with so many for such a small operation," Lana heard her dad say from the kitchen, which apparently was a good place for the top secret meeting.

Determined to make the house remain hers, she walked in unaffected.

"You're right, which is why we're not all going. Those who aren't will be with over the coms," Steve told, interrupting himself when he noticed Lana.

"Lana, what are you doing here?" Tony asked annoyed.

"Just getting some food," she shrugged, opening the fridge.

"Lana, this is a shield operation," he tried again.

"Dad, this is the kitchen. You can't just take the kitchen, it's a shared space," she pointed out, taking out the yogurt.

"I can when I pay for it and everything else."

"Tony, it's fine. Let her stay," Steve told, continuing with his plan; "The rest will be with over coms and watching through cameras placed on the houses around. We do not have any eyes on the inside."

Lana leaned against the counter with her bowl, curiously watching the team.

"We go in here. Since they can't escape this way, we'll have a better chance at getting them all." Steves finger traced the map of the house, explaining his plan. Around were pictures showing the house from different angles, probably taken with the cameras he'd told about.

"Why not take the other door?" Lana suggested from behind, making her father roll his eyes.

"There's only one door, doll," Bucky told annoyed.

"Mh, yeah, on the floorplan, but how old is that thing? You can see they've renovated, look, this window has been moved to here," she pointed out, pointing to a picture; "Unless they added a wall here, there's no reason to do that, so we know they've changed the house since that plan," she told, nodding her head to the floorplan; "Unless whoever you're up is big time into interior design and architecture, I'm gonna guess it's the previous owners who did that, and if they've been renovating it makes no sense to not make a back door directly to the garden so they don't have to go around all the other connected houses."

The team silenced as they looked at the girl who eyed her yoghurt hungrily as she shrugged.

"Besides, name one criminal who would take up housing somewhere with no escape plan. Either, they're able to take you out easily, or they have an escape plan, meaning..." She waited for the penny to drop but then sighed; "Second entrance here, guys."

She pointed to where the door would be.

"That's... Quite insightful," Bruce commented.

"It's logic," Lana replied; "Besides, if you use that door you'll be able to hide from the public behind the hedge, and to escape they have to go through the public street meaning they'll probably hide their guns or people will notice and be able to tell where they went. And, you'll have the sun in your back so you'll be able to see better and they won't."

"Okay, Lana's with Bruce and Bucky on coms, Tony, you're standby for backup."

"No, she's not SHIELD," Tony quickly told Steve.

"I know, but she's here anyway. Might as well use her," he told; "Nat, Clint, gear up. We leave in 15."

"I'm almost impressed, Doll," Bucky muttered from behind Lana as Natasha, Clint and Steve left to get ready.

"I almost care, James," she retorted before turning around; "And don't call me Doll."

"Don't call me James," he replied.

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