I'm not obsessed, I'm not in love

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"Hallway secured!" Steve informed, breathing heavily over the com. Lana let out a breath of relief.

"Great," Bruce told, sounding just as relieved; "Go right and follow the hallway."

They could hear the team's steps and some slight echo, but no one said a word. A whirring sound appeared in the background, only increasing in volume.

"What's that sound?" Natasha asked. Lana bit her lip, waiting for someone to reply.

"What the hell?" Tony muttered shortly after.

"Is that..." Natasha mumbled

"Loki," Steve agreed. Lana's eyes shot to Bucky, who looked just as bewildered at her.

"What?" Bruce said loudly; "Loki's there?"

"New mission, get Loki contained!" Steve ordered, not prioritising updating the three at home.

"He has too many soldiers, we'll never win," Natasha told, the sound of fighting almost drowning her out.

"Distract him, get Clint," Lana urged, her leg jumping up and down beneath the desk.

"Lana's right," Natasha stated quickly.

"We can do this, Lana's not your boss," Tony interjected. His repulsors went off and Lana closed her eyes, hoping no one got too hurt.

"No, but she's the only one in your family with a brain, so we're going with her plan," Natasha decided, following her words shortly after with a pained groan. Lana looked at Bucky and Bruce before pushing her chair back and standing up. She pressed the button muting themselves.

"I'm going," she stated.

"No, you're not," Bucky disagreed, not turning around in his chair to look at her.

"Lana, you're not an agent," Bruce reminded her, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

"Loki's there!" she replied loudly.

"Exactly!" Bucky replied, finally standing and turning to look at her. Lana looked at him emotionlessly.

"Bruce, stay here. You too, James," she added before leaving the room.

"What?" Bucky asked, following her down the hallway. Despite going as fast as she could, the crutches, and particularly the broken crutches, slowed her down, and Bucky didn't even have to walk very fast to keep up.

"It's too dangerous!" Lana argued as she entered the elevator, pressing the button for the basement.

"That's my point!" Bucky hissed angrily, stepping in right before the doors closed behind him.

"Either shut up or get your point in the car," Lana ordered right as the door opened. She grabbed a set of keys from the rack on the wall, pressing the button to unlock the car. A black BMW flashed its light, and Lana smiled satisfactorily as she opened the door to the driver's seat. She struggled to get in with her cast but managed, Bucky rolling his eyes before getting in the passenger seat.

"How are you gonna drive it, Lana?" Bucky continued, turning to face her.

"JARVIS?" Lana tried hopefully.

"Of course, that'd be too easy," she muttered before turning on the car.

"Lana, you have a broken leg!"

"It's an M8, you dingus, it has automatic gears! I just need to press the speeder!" She argued, smiling maniacally as she did just that, the car shooting forward. Bucky desperately grabbed the seatbelt, managing to get it on just as they got to the street.

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