You slept with the enemy!

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Pushing the door open to the gym, Lana made her way through it, her old crutches back in her hands assisting her.

"Steve? You in here?" she asked out loud. The gym was big and seemingly empty, and the air was cold.

"Yeah, I'm here," Steve replied, stepping out from behind a big wall of weights Lana hadn't noticed at first.

"What's up?" he asked, smiling kindly while unwrapping his hands.

"Are you busy?" Lana questioned, slowly moving towards him to lessen the big space separating them.

"Not at all. What's up?" he asked before noticing her crutches; "Where'd you get those?"

"Oh, these old things?" Lana asked, muttering something about not knowing. Cap looked strictly at her.

"I did not steal them back because I was going insane, that's for sure," Lana told, changing the subject before Steve had a chance to lecture her.

"Anyway, I promised my friend William I'd come look at apartments with him today, and I really don't want to cancel, but with what happened last night, I thought maybe I should have some agents as backup, but I don't actually have a way of contacting Fury."

"Where's Bucky? Are you two still not..." Steve's voice faded out midway through the question, a concerned look reaching his face.

"Oh, no, no we're fine, we're good, I just... I think he might need the sleep," Lana tried explaining it, smiling as if there was no deeper reason.

"Nightmares?" Steve questioned.

"How did you know?" Lana asked surprised.

"Lana. He's my best friend," Steve reminded her before shrugging; "Besides, pretty much everyone in the tower gets them."

"Right. Sometimes I forget what kind of things you guys actually face," Lana admitted, laughing awkwardly and looking down.

"I think it's safe to include you in that, by now," Steve pointed out, smiling caringly at her.

"Right. Anyway, I was wondering if you had Fury's number or something? So I could see if there's an agent available to go with?" Lana asked, smiling politely. Steve frowned slightly.

"You've spoken to Bucky about this?" he asked instead of answering.

"No, as I said, he's sleeping. Why?" Lana asked, confused.

"No reason. Actually, I have the day off, so I could go with you if you'd like," Steve suggested instead, making Lana break into a surprised smile.

"Really? Are you sure?" she checked.

"Definitely," Steve assured, nodding. Lana left Steve so he could get ready and went back to the room she shared with Bucky. The crutches were annoying enough to use, one of them being bent was only making it worse, but it was better than none.

She grabbed the stack of post-it's and quickly scribbled down a message.


Do not panic, I'm fine. I'm apartment hunting for William with him and Steve. Do not kill anyone while I'm gone!!!

You suck,


Ps. if you do kill someone, make it someone worth it

She glanced at her phone, checking the time and back at Bucky, sleeping peacefully. Steve wouldn't be ready for another ten minutes, so she grabbed a new note and began writing, grabbing a second note to continue it once the first was full. Once the time had almost passed, she added a last message to the original note before leaving both behind and heading out.

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