Oh, are we not supposed to talk about that?

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Bucky had woken up when he heard shuffling next to him. His eyes remaining closed, he considered the possibilities before hearing a small yelp. He immediately opened his eyes and turned his head to the side, quickly assessing the situation.

Lana was having a bad dream, and it didn't come as a surprise, because who among them didn't get bad dreams? He ran a hand over his face, preparing to wake her when he heard another small cry.

"Lana," he whispered, placing a hand on her upper arm. She didn't reply, but kept squirming.

"Lana, you're okay," he whispered, biting his lip before moving closer to her, embracing her in a hug. "You're okay, you're okay. I've got you, Doll." Feeling her tense body begin to relax, he planted an instinctual kiss on her hair before letting her go.

"You're okay," he repeated, lying down again before closing his eyes. She seemed calmed and turned her back to him, but she didn't sleep for long before her breaths became quick and a pained groan escaped her lips. Immediately, Bucky pulled her closer again, spooning her and running his thumb over her forearm, whispering small affirmations and promises to her.

"Doll. You're lying on my arm. Scootch," Bucky muttered, trying to roll her away from the arm trapped under Lana.

"My arm," Lana just muttered, pulling the blanket up further around her and continuing her slumber.

"Lanaaa," Bucky complained, Lana's eyebrows furrowing before she even opened her eyes.

"Why is your arm under me?" she asked oddly.

"Because you won't let it go, you monster," he replied, tugging at it again.

"I meant," Lana said, moving so he could get his arm; "Were you cuddling me or something?"

"Uh, no, I woke, and you were practically lying on my chest," he complained, sitting up now that he was finally free.

"That's gross," Lana decided, sitting up, too. "Next time you have your arms around me, you're gonna lose them."

"I'm not gross," Bucky told as he stood up, walking over to the closet.

"Debatable," Lana scoffed, grabbing her phone to check the notifications before getting up. She looked up to see Bucky next to the bed, pulling off his nightshirt. Yelping, she dropped the phone to hold her hands over her eyes.

"C'mon, Doll. You've seen worse," Bucky teased, clearly not caring if she saw his muscular chest.

"There is nothing as bad as you," she told, grimacing.

"You didn't feel that way when you had your arms around me," Bucky replied, moving around and putting on his pants before buttoning them. "I'm leaving, but feel free to keep your eyes closed."

She opened her eyes and rolled them dramatically, grabbing her pyjamas pants before remembering they wouldn't fit over her cast. She glanced around, spotting Bucky's pyjamas pants tossed carelessly on the bed and grabbed them, easily sliding them over the cast and up. She tied the string so they wouldn't fall down before grabbing her crutches and making her way to the kitchen.

"Morning," she greeted the small group of Steve, Natasha and Bucky, making her way to the coffee pot and filling it with water and coffee beans.

"Aren't you supposed to drink tea?" Steve joked, smiling at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be frozen?" she asked, looking him dead in the eyes. Natasha suppressed a laugh while swiping on her phone.

"Yeah, you don't wanna talk to her first thing in the morning," Bucky advised, nudging her away so he could turn the coffee pot on; "She started today by threatening to chop off my arms."

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