I'd probably stab Bucky if I had the chance

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The next morning, Lana entered the kitchen to see Thor struggling with the toaster.

"Mornin'," she greeted, hiding her smile as she prepared the coffee maker.

"Lady Lana, the toasting appliance refuses to acknowledge me!" Thor complained loudly. Lana smiled slightly as she showed him how to turn it on before she turned back to the coffee machine, turning it on.

"Just Lana is plenty. I call you Thor," she pointed out absentmindedly while grabbing three mugs from the cupboard. She licked her lips before turning around, leaning her back against the counter and watching Thor.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked quickly, surprising Thor. He nodded, gesturing for her to go ahead as he paid close attention.

"How did he betray you?" she blurted out.

"Pardon?" Thor raised his eyebrows in slight confusion. Lana sighed at herself.

"You don't have to answer," she assured; "It's just, I've been wondering. You said he had betrayed you many times, but you still seem to care about him."

"He is my brother. I care for him just as I love him," Thor told.

"So?" Lana encouraged, grabbing the coffee pot and dividing the content between the three mugs.

"He always was a troublemaker. We would be at formal dinners and he would pull pranks. He would convince me to do wrong, and when we got caught he would blame me. He has even stabbed me, many times," he added.

"Wow," Lana just said, handing Thor one of the cups.

"You must remember, our lives are long. I have known my brother for past a thousand years, we have had long to gather memories as such. And stabbing is not quite as severe to a god," he added, sipping from the mug he'd been handied. Lana glanced at the heavy steam coming from it, wondering why he didn't burn himself on it before she remembered he was a literal god.

"A stab won't stop you?" she asked curiously.

"In no way. It is painful, I can assure you, but hardly ever fatal. Our shared childhood has hardly left me any marks," he told. Lana hummed in reply, holding her cup between her hands for warmth.

"What?" Thor encouraged.

"It's just... I could be wrong, but, is there any chance he is loyal to you?" she suggested.

"You did not hear me? He betrayed me, countless times," Thor reminded her.

"I know, I just... Listen, I don't have any siblings, but... It's just, if we translate it to human terms, it seems pretty small. I once broke a vase and blamed JARVIS, not because I wasn't loyal to him but because I was a kid," she explained her thought process.

"I do not doubt he would get me in trouble and let me take the fall today as well, and he is past childhood," Thor commented sadly.

"I'm sure," Lana agreed with a slight nod; "Would he really let you go down, though? Has he ever actually left you in a situation where you could have been hurt?"

Thor considered her words, gnawing on the inside of his cheek as he thought about it.

"You think he's loyal to me?" he asked.

"I think it's a possibility," Lana just said with a slight shrug. "I don't know, I'd probably stab Bucky if I had the chance, I'd still say I'm pretty loyal to him."

"I doubt you'd do such a thing," Thor commented amusedly.

"You're right," Lana admitted; "He's stronger than me, he'd win in a fight."

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