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The ladies have all moved to the dinning to have lunch. Ammi sent them food and Asma couldn't be happier because she has been thinking about what to cook and how considering how tired she was.

She dished some of the food on a plate to take to maheer, it was paten tsaki with ram meat. she put everything on a tray with a bottle of water and chilled coke(Maheer's favorite).

she excused herself and then went upstairs. Maheer who was watching football in the living room looked up to see who is coming.

"Ya rabbi, Asma why didn't you call me," he asked coming over to collect the tray, he gently kept it on the center table and then turned to her.

"maheer I can take care of my self, I'm a doctor remember," she said

"Exactly, you are a doctor so you should know better," He said

"Of course I know maheer, you are just exaggerating," She said cupping his face.

"I'm fine, I promise" she added pecking him and with a smile headed back downstairs.

They had lunch having an animated conversation, then moved to the kitchen where they helped her wash the dishes, and then moved back to the living room.

The girls left after Magrib, she went upstairs to her room to freshen up before Maheer comes back from the hotel.

She freshened up and changed into a white nightgown, combed and styled her hair in a ponytail, and then sprayed some nice cologne then prayed isha.
it was after isha when he came in. She was seated in the living room upstairs. The light was off as she was watching a Korean series on Netflix named "Tale of the night tailed fox"

"My love" he called as she snuggled beside her pulling her to his chest.

"Sannu da dawowa" she smiled at him

"yauwa yauwa" he smiled back pecking her head as she laid her on his chest.

"You never told me you were very troublesome at school," Maheer said smiling

"Don't tell me you heard everything" she said quickly sitting up and looking at him, eyes wide as a saucer

"yes I did," he said laughing " I wasn't eavesdropping I just happened to overheard your conversations" he laughed

" I never knew you were a mischievous little rat" he joked and she hit his chest laughing too.

"I'm not a rat" she pout

" Of of course I know, you are my one and only beautiful Queen," he said smiling pinching her cheeks and she playfully smiled looking down.

"or should I get another wife" he started which caused her to frown standing up

"Allah bada Saa" she said and turned to walk away when suddenly he pulled her back to his chest

"I'm just joking my queen, in bake sai rijiya," he said and she pouts"better"

He laughed saying "tahm tell me about your childhood, I'm really curious"

She laughed too as she started narrating everything to him. Staying up all night talking about everything and nothing.

4 months later

Asma picked an unfamiliar dress from her bed and looked at it. "Wait, I don't know this dress, what is it doing here?" She looked at it again then kept it on the bed. The dress was too fancy to be her maids'.

She went and was about to sit on her bed bench when she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. She got up, said bismillah before picking it up. A smile instantly made its way to her lips. It was a handwritten note by maheer. It read, 'My Queen! How are you and our baby? Wear that dress, and meet me at my office, the driver is waiting for you outside.'

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